e a look.

e a look.

From last night to just now, An Nuan has posted six comments, all of which are photos and content related to her upcoming return to Junsha today.
Every one of them @liuchanan.
What’s funny is that Liu Changan neither responded to An Nuan’s remarks nor gave a like to express his response. Bai Hui felt that it would be so shameless to @ someone like this and the other person had such an attitude.
This is enough to show that Liu Changan doesn’t care about An Nuan, it’s none of his business!
“If I guessed correctly, Liu Changan went to the airport to pick up An Nuan, and he even wore leather shoes. In the entire three years of high school and one year of college, I have never seen him wearing leather shoes a few times.” Bai Hui snorted. , “He doesn’t look good in leather shoes. He looks a bit like a toddler in Handan and is coquettish.”
“It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If Beauty goes to meet another lover, it will not look good.” Zhu Juntang wisely discovered the truth.
“I’m not his lover.” Bai Hui blushed, but was still a little depressed, “Liu Changan comes to your place to play, will he dress more formally?”
“Big pants, flip-flops, and a white vest with holes are just like the male protagonists who often appeared in novels in the past. In order to show that they are playing in the world and trampling on the face of the upper class, they dress like this and appear in formal occasions uninhibitedly.” Zhu Jun. Tang also felt a little depressed as he said, “Obviously I am his boss, but I feel like he still won’t correct his attitude in front of me.”
/Bai Fen’s soft ears automatically filtered out Zhu Juntang’s statement that she had become Liu Changan’s boss.
“He wore leather shoes today.” Bai Hui said again. From this point of view, Liu Changan was looking forward to meeting An Nuan today.
/Yes, it’s been a long time. At an age when hormones are in an explosive state all the time, it’s hard to hold back. Wasn’t it taught in physiology class that boys will overflow? Liu Changan certainly didn’t want to overconfess himself. He thought Bai Hui blushed and put an end to his speculation.
“I told you to do whatever it takes.” Zhu Juntang looked at Bai Hui with hatred, “I think back then, if the eldest lady of the Su family hadn’t resorted to any means, she hugged a thick thigh, and with her self-righteous business methods and rough With my eyesight, maybe I will be a poor fairy now.”
“What thick thighs?” Bai Hui is still very interested in the past gossip of wealthy families. From Zhu Juntang’s tone, he can hear the flavor related to the secrets of men and women.
“That’s the one you have a chance to hug.” Zhu Juntang said mysteriously, but stopped talking and changed the topic, “I have a good way to further the relationship between you and Liu Changan.”
“He and I have a very good relationship now. It’s good for everyone to maintain the current status. There is no need for anything to be done between men and women?” Bai Hui bulged his eyes, “I’m just asking.”
“As the saying goe

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