e sky. The sky seemed to have become very high, and the blue sky seemed far away and cast a dark background.

e sky. The sky seemed to have become very high, and the blue sky seemed far away and cast a dark background.

And at this moment, a sound of breaking through the air came from far and near. When he looked, it was Chu Weiyang who was walking in the air, stepping on the blue spiritual light.
Perhaps the Taoist had seen so much of the vast scenery of the outer sea that he only felt normal in his heart. At this moment, his figure paused and slowed down without any trace. Suddenly, the azure light almost reflected the deep sea water. General color.
/This was a manifestation of the water escape technique being used to its utmost perfection. For a moment, it was unknown whether it was Chu Weiyang’s own mystery or the majestic power between heaven and earth. As it flew away, the traces of the escaping light disappeared together.
Such progress is due to the fighting skills on the Mirror Island in the past. Through continuous verification and practice, Chu Weiyang’s five-element talisman formation was also polished to perfection. Later, through internal and external synaesthesia, all kinds of The foundation is refined, and because the escape method is also among the five elements, naturally all methods are corresponding, and the progress is extraordinary.
/On the other hand, this is due to the completeness and balance of the Five Elements Taoism in Chu Weiyang’s body. This extremely subtle cultivation may naturally fit in with some of the mysteries of the circulation of the Five Elements Escape Technique. Therefore, this kind of internal refining Although the changes in Taoism have not made any progress in teaching the escape method, the execution of it is more smooth than in the past, and it feels a little like an arm commanding.
But long after Chu Weiyang’s figure had disappeared through the air, several rays of the same blue aura came from a distance, almost in the direction where Chu Weiyang came from.
It’s just that it’s different from Chu Weiyang’s speed, which is getting faster and faster. This group of people almost stops here, as if they have completely lost Chu Weiyang’s more outstanding escape skills and techniques. Traces of Yang’s figure.
It seems that they already know where they will go if they go further, and what kind of things they will probably encounter.
Therefore, the figures of this group of people appeared from the escaping light. When they looked at it, they were a group of Five Elements Sect monks headed by Liu Xuanfu.
At this time, they were either angry, resentful, or looking in fear at the direction where Chu Weiyang was flying away, as if they wanted to get rid of him quickly, but also seemed to have lingering fears that they had not seen before.
All in all, all kinds of extreme emotions can be found in the ferocious faces of their seven emotions, but there is no peace, let alone regret after going through all this.
After a brief silence, Liu Xuanfu sighed and then flicked his sleeves.
“Forget it! Regardless of the reputation, the foundation, or the Taoism of such evil cultivators, it h

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