ituation. If next time we invite monsters like mastiffs to help, they can track our scent all the way. No one can escape, we have to break through as soon as possible.”

ituation. If next time we invite monsters like mastiffs to help, they can track our scent all the way. No one can escape, we have to break through as soon as possible.”

“Can you do it without me as a protector by your side?” Wang Xuan glanced at him.
Lao Chen said: “Take care of yourself. With the understanding of the Ran Deng realm, I feel that the secret power I can use has reached a limit, and my combat power has surged. I can now fight against monks at the Life and Earth level. As long as I break the barrier again , I am not afraid of opponents at the medicinal level!”
“I feel that if I go all out and combine my spiritual wonders with my physical body, I can still fight against most monks at the Life and Earth level.” Wang Xuan estimated his combat power.
The geniuses he defeated were all extraordinary beings at the Ran Deng level, so it wasn’t too difficult.
Finally, he said: “I repeatedly used my spiritual power and saw a vague glimpse of the spiritual world. I think that sooner or later I will be able to capture some ‘wonders’ in this big realm of the human world.”
/The two of them were going to go their separate ways to avoid being ganged up on.
Wang Xuan gave him a large amount of Immortal Spring. Lao Chen carried a gourd on his back and gave him a crystal of Earth Immortal Spring. He solemnly told him that it was worth a fortune if it was used to save his life.
“You will get half of the jade talisman too!” Wang Xuan handed it to him, fearing that if he fell into the hands of the enemy, he would take advantage of those people.
Lao Chen held the spear and walked away quickly.
Wang Xuan chose a direction and plunged into the dense forest, leaving no traces and disappearing like a ghost.
The two of them ran away for their lives, looking for a safe place to retreat.
After all, he had mastered the parts involving the internal organs, and the remaining parts were not so dangerous.
Soon after, he cautiously called it quits, feeling something was wrong, and quickly left here. During this period, he crossed the river several times, swam across the lake, erased his traces and smell, and changed places one after another.
At noon, Wang Xuan coughed up a mouthful of blood and quickly drank Dixianquan to adjust his condition. There was nothing serious!
Then, he changed places again.
In the evening, under the setting sun, his body glowed, his whole body resonated, and his organs hummed in unison. The wonders of all parts of his body were vaguely revealed, and the textures on his body surface intertwined, and then shrank into those wonders!
The next day, in front of a large lake, Wang Xuan was bathing in the morning glow, his body constantly trembling, and the strange scenery around him materialized, rotating and rising and falling around his body.
His strength has improved a lot, and he has jumped directly from the special node between the middle and late stages of the fog to the peak level of the fog.
In the past two days, he had moved to countless places. He was wary of the spirit beast’s keen sense of

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