litary extraordinary officers to the Presidential Palace to prevent any accidents from happening!” Admiral Francis continued.

litary extraordinary officers to the Presidential Palace to prevent any accidents from happening!” Admiral Francis continued.

They all understand one thing, that is, the Federation cannot have a president assassinated at this time. After President Louis was poisoned last time, the government was in chaos for a long time, which had a lot of impact on the entire Interstellar Federation.
/The president who just took office was assassinated again, which means that the government’s incompetence will make the hearts of the federal people unstable and make people lose their sense of security.
It is not easy to control a huge world. When the core leadership of the federation lacks control, it will trigger a struggle for power among various forces.
This is the reason for the decentralization of federal military and political power. The military is limited by government funding, and the government needs the protection of the military. This allows the government and the military to reach a balance point.
The military will not interfere in government affairs, but it will provide its opinions to the government when necessary.
“Adjutant Jekyll, prepare an official letter and send it to President Barnard stating the interests between the Federation and Duke Arthur!” Marshal Andre ordered to Adjutant Jekyll.
“Generalissimo, President Barnard has just taken office. If you give him advice at this time, I am afraid it will affect the relationship between the government and the military!” Admiral Francis said worriedly.
“I can’t care less. I’m really worried about Duke Arthur’s attitude. His record in the divine world is not good!” Marshal Andre said helplessly.
Tonight’s presidential palace should be festive, but strangely the atmosphere is a little weird.
Outside the Presidential Palace, military soldiers were patrolling around, and many military extraordinary people stood at high points nearby, paying attention to the situation of the Presidential Palace.
/The military’s order is that these military extraordinary men and soldiers need to protect the Presidential Palace until Duke Arthur leaves the Federation. Although for some unknown reason, the military extraordinary men and soldiers still carry out the order.
Outside the President’s Office, more than ten supernatural beings protected President Barnard in the central office.
There are extraordinary offerings from President Barnard himself, as well as extraordinary offerings from the government, as well as several extraordinary beings that he seconded. The reason is that because Generalissimo Andre was assassinated, the extraordinarys were used to strengthen the defense of the Presidential Palace in a short period of time.
“Damn it, my meeting has not even been convened, and Generalissimo Andre has sent a letter of appeal. What do you want to do? Force me to submit?” President Barnard’s new power comes at a time when he is in high spirits. Being obstructed by Duke Arthur and Marshal Andre, he felt extremely aggrieved.
Successive presidents have staffs. These staffs have

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