number of high-level Zerg, and federal warships must be prepared in time!” David reminded aloud.

number of high-level Zerg, and federal warships must be prepared in time!” David reminded aloud.

“Lord Arthur, please rest assured that the current number of warships is enough to defend the guard star without losing it!” Admiral Francis said with confidence.
David didn’t explain much, and this kind of thing couldn’t be explained.
/“I need to enter space. I can activate my identity bracelet at any time. If you have any questions, you can contact me directly!” David finally said to General Francis.
Admiral Francis did not stop David. It was a good thing for David to go to space, where he could attack at any time without worrying about delayed support.
/Anyway, the nearby airspace is within the federal signal coverage, and the ID bracelet can be used.
David left the command center and then took to the air. He felt the constant changes in his body, the energy transformed by divine power, and the supplement of the nutrient solution, which made him feel that his body was undergoing an unprecedented enhancement.
Admiral Francis operated the command light curtain in front of him and set David’s signal to green when David soared into the air. This signal could prevent the warship from attacking proactively.
David broke through the atmosphere of the guardian star. This time he did not summon the ‘Silver Pterodactyl’. His aura was a little unstable, and auras continued to erupt around his body.
This was due to the fact that his physique increased too quickly and he was unable to restrain his strength.
In David’s state, only the black dragon Alexis does not have to worry about being accidentally injured. Anyway, even if David’s aura burst is several times stronger, it will not have the slightest impact on the black dragon Alexis.
“This is impossible. How can humans reach such a fast speed?” In the command module of the aircraft carrier, a major general stared at the light screen in front of him and said in disbelief.
On the light screen, the green light spot representing David was rapidly passing through the fleet and rushing into space ahead at an extremely abnormal speed.
“Knight Dexter Templar, can you also reach such a speed?” The major general turned to the Knight Templar Dexter who was standing next to him, ready to join the battle.
“If you use energy clones, my speed can probably barely keep up!” Dexter Templar said with some lack of confidence.
Since Dexter Templar couldn’t quite see the speed on the light screen, he could only estimate that no matter how fast Lord Arthur was, it would at most be comparable to the speed of the energy clone.
Nelson Templar shook his head, but he did not speak to strike Dexter Templar. In his judgment, Lord Arthur’s speed was probably far faster than their energy clones.
David is not showing off his speed, but he is somewhat unable to control his speed.
The continuous improvement of his physique has improved him in all aspects, and the same is naturally true in terms of speed.
When David flew at full speed, the speed exceeded his prediction. Fortunately, as long as the di

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