eatshirt standing in the distance looking at them.

eatshirt standing in the distance looking at them.

“I bet you ten bucks that she’s attracted to me and will come over and say hello right away.”
Quan Kai didn’t speak, just looked at the girl quietly. The girl had a delicate appearance and a heroic spirit between her eyebrows.
Just as Lu Tong said, the girl came over.
/However, what Lu Tong said was only half correct. The half that was right was that the girl did come over. The other half that was wrong was that the girl didn’t say hello to Lu Tong. She was saying hello to Quan Kai.
“I know you.” The short-haired girl said to Quan Kai.
Quan Kai was very surprised, and Lu Tong was even more surprised. He originally thought that he was tall and handsome and would be popular with women, but he was taken advantage of by Quan Kai, who looked honest.
/Lu Tong was not convinced. In order to save face for himself, he still said hello: “Hello, my name is”
“Shut up.” The girl interrupted Lu Tong, but she didn’t even glance at Lu Tong the whole time.
“How do you know me?” Quan Kai asked curiously.
The girl said: “Your name is Quan Kai. I have seen news about you in the newspaper. The news also included your photo. I want to make friends with you.” Although the girl seemed to be confessing her love, her words were But his attitude seemed very tough.
“This” is a bit hesitant to open it fully.
“Forget it if you don’t want to.” The short-haired girl turned around and left without giving Quan Kai a chance to regret it.
When the girl walked away, Lu Tong shouted to Quan Kai: “Are you stupid! Such a beautiful girl wants to be friends with you, why are you hesitant!”
Fully open and silent.
Lu Tong asked again: “That woman said she knew you and had seen you in the newspaper. What’s going on?”
Quan Kai didn’t seem to want to answer this question, so he quickly changed the topic and said, “Let’s not talk about this for now. Don’t you want to see a beautiful girl? Let’s go to another place to see her.”
As soon as he heard that he was going to see a girl, Lu Tong forgot to ask Quankai’s question again.
It was originally called a visit to the school, but in fact, Lu Tong had never seen what the school looked like. He was just looking at what the beauties in the school looked like. Along the way, Lu Tong had to pass several beauties. mobile phone number.
I didn’t look at either of them at full speed, just thinking about something.
While walking, a voice came from behind a bunch of trees: “I’ve fallen in love with you, please be my girlfriend.”
“There’s a good show to watch.” Lu Tong quickly pulled the car over and “watched the show” through the trees.
There are two people behind the bushes, a man and a woman. The woman is the short-haired girl just now, and the man is the arrogant bearded boy just now.
“I refuse.” The girl said firmly.
“Why?” The bearded boy said unconvinced.
“I don’t like men with beards.” After saying that, he turned around and walked away, leaving the bearded boy standing there in shock.
Suddenly, Lu Tong rushed to the bearded boy with a quick glanc

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