

Because as long as the Horcrux is not completely destroyed, he can live forever.
But this is an extremely dark magic, and the hands of the caster are bound to be stained with blood.
Dumbledore also said:
Two of Voldemort’s Horcruxes had been destroyed.
Want to kill Voldemort!
/The remaining Horcruxes will be destroyed!
It just so happened that Dumbledore had found the clue to the next Horcrux.
That’s Salazar Slytherin’s locket!
Dumbledore asked Harry Potter to help him destroy it with him. His only request to Harry was:
No matter what happens, the other party must obey your orders.
Harry agreed.
Many people have seen this.
Hu Ji’s fan group became lively again:
“Although the tone is a bit dark, the plot is grand and very enjoyable to read in one sitting.”
“I’ll watch it while I’m eating!”
“No wonder Voldemort is like the invincible Xiaoqiang. It turns out he has a Horcrux.”
“This setting is a bit interesting.”
“Why do I feel like this is the end?”
“The promotion didn’t say it was the finale, so there should be more to come, but the plot has progressed to this point, which is indeed the later stage.”
“Don’t end it!”
“I haven’t seen enough yet!”
“Damn it, have you read the catalog?”
“What directory?”
“The table of contents for the next few chapters seems to mention white tombs!”
“Isn’t it?”
“Don’t scare me!”
It was already afternoon time.
Some people couldn’t help but glance at the table of contents and found some titles that could easily cause discomfort.
Hu Ji’s heart skipped a beat when he saw the group chat, and he quickly glanced at the directory.
The last chapter of this part is called “White Grave”!
This is a title that can easily create bad associations!
Resisting the random thoughts.
Hu Ji looked down.
Harry Potter and Dumbledore entered a cave.
They passed through many dangers and finally stopped in front of a stone basin filled with green liquid.
Dumbledore concluded that the Horcrux was inside.
But the amazing thing is that this kind of liquid cannot be stretched by hand, or even separated, such as scooping it dry or pumping it out, and it cannot be made to disappear using magic.
The only solution is to drink it!
“This potion will definitely prevent me from obtaining the Horcrux. It will probably paralyze me, make me forget the purpose of my coming here, cause me to feel extreme pain, unable to concentrate, or otherwise incapacitate me. If this happens In this case, Harry, it’s up to you to make sure I keep drinking it, even if you have to pour it into my closed mouth. Do you understand?”
Dumbledore spoke.
Harry Potter refused on the spot.
Dumbledore coldly demanded that Harry Potter must comply!
“Why can’t you let me drink the potion?”
Harry asked desperately.
/Dumbledore’s response: “Because I’m much older and wiser than you, and I’m worth much less than you are.”
this moment.
Hu Ji felt a little sour in his heart.
Although his favorite character is Snape.
But Huggie’s love for Dumbledore is no less than that of Snape!

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