t moment, the flame exploded, and Wei Xiaobei, carrying the flame that had not yet been extinguished, rushed down the mountain like a tiger, rushing in front of Leng Laosan in the blink of an eye.

t moment, the flame exploded, and Wei Xiaobei, carrying the flame that had not yet been extinguished, rushed down the mountain like a tiger, rushing in front of Leng Laosan in the blink of an eye.

He stretched out his right hand and pinched Leng Laosan’s neck, suddenly exerting force, snap! The coldness on Leng Laosan’s face immediately dissipated, and his neck was abruptly broken by Wei Xiaobei!
In front of Wei Xiaobei, an ability user like Leng Laosan, whose biological level has not even reached two-star ordinary, is completely dead!
But having said that, this Leng Laosan’s ability is indeed good.
Manipulate the flames!
Compared with Wei Xiaobei’s ability to release electricity, it is not comparable at all.
/Unfortunately, the flame temperature it can control is only about two hundred degrees, so it is indeed difficult to deal with Wei Xiaobei.
After killing Leng Laosan, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have the slightest regret on his face.
For Wei Xiaobei, the stronger and better the enemy’s ability, the worse it is for him. So killing the enemy and nipping the threat in the bud is the best thing for him.
Afterwards, Wei Xiaobei walked around the villa twice and found the traces left by Leng Xinxing, but when he chased him to the lake, he had disappeared.
Wei Xiaobei returned to the villa with a little regret and searched.
That Leng Lao San was a completely poor man. He didn’t have any treasures on him. He only had a jar, which seemed to be filled with the flames that Leng Lao San poured into it. However, it was extremely unstable. As soon as Wei Xiaobei got it, it exploded. Wei Xiaobei’s remaining hair was burned completely.
As for Leng Xinchang, he was indeed dead, and there were only some banknotes and food in the whole villa.
Wei Xiaobei picked up the walkie-talkie and informed Li Pingyang, and then asked Zhu Xinyi to take Cheng Sisi to the villa, and checked Cheng Sisi before Li Pingyang came over.
With Wei Xiaobei’s current medical skills, he quickly came to the conclusion that Cheng Sisi had some skin injuries and a few internal injuries, and the main cause of coma was poison.
One can imagine how these guys tortured Cheng Sisi.
After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei fed Cheng Sisi a drop of secondary youth spring water. As for eating, he only had to wait for Cheng Sisi to wake up.
When Li Pingyang led people to the villa, he couldn’t help but be shocked.
It was as if a large-scale explosion had occurred in the villa, with debris scattered everywhere. In addition, Wei Xiaobei looked like he had entered the fireplace before coming out, so Li Pingyang didn’t know what happened.
“Leng Xinchang, Leng Xinxin was killed by me, and Leng Xinchang ran away.”
/Wei Xiaobei then pulled Li Pingyang aside and whispered what happened here.
Li Pingyang nodded and said that he would leave the aftermath to himself. However, Leng Xinxing ran away and was in some trouble. He also knew that Leng Xinxing could become invisible, although at first, he did not believe it. , thinking that the old man was out of his mind

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