ould it be that he was lurking around us so long ago just to help the White Tiger at the critical moment? This situation… This situation is inevitable. It’s probably too big.”

ould it be that he was lurking around us so long ago just to help the White Tiger at the critical moment? This situation… This situation is inevitable. It’s probably too big.”

Wei Renwu sighed and said: “Don’t think that this incredibly smart person will always set up a long game to escape his opponent’s eyes when dealing with another smart person.”
Yue Ming asked: “Have you ever met such a person?”
Wei Renwu put out his cigarette and threw it out the window and nodded: “Yes, I have encountered it.”
Yue Ming was finally convinced by Wei Renwu that he had accepted the setting that Wu Wei was a suspicious person.
Wei Renwu added: “It’s just that we don’t have time to take care of Xiao Wu now. The top priority is to recover the ‘White Tiger’. Only by recovering the ‘White Tiger’ can all the opponent’s plans be ruined.”
Seeing that they were about to arrive at Wenjiang, Wei Renwu suddenly said to himself: “Wu Wei Wu Wei Wu Wei turtle turtle…”
The pronunciations of Wu Wei and Wugui are slightly similar.
/Wei Renwu burst out laughing when he thought of Wugui and said with a smile to himself: “I see, that’s who he is.”
“What are you talking about?” Yue Ming asked doubtfully.
Wei Renwu did not answer Yue Ming but laughed by himself until tears almost flowed out.
Just when Yue Ming wanted to ask more questions, Wei Renwu’s cell phone rang.
Wei Renwu smiled and answered the phone: “Hahaha what’s the matter?”
Suddenly Wei Renwu stopped smiling, frowned, and became extremely serious. He said to the phone: “Okay, I understand.”
Wei Renwu hung up the phone.
Yue Ming asked: “What’s wrong?”
Wei Renwu shouted: “Turn the car around and hurry up.”
“What happened?” Yue Ming hesitated.
Wei Renwu urged: “The ‘White Tiger’ did not appear in Century City in this direction.”
Yue Ming braked suddenly and the rear of the Maserati drew a beautiful arc on the street.
Yue Ming accelerated the Maserati again and headed towards Century City at high speed.
Yue Ming asked: “Why did he appear there again?”
Wei Renwu shook his head and said, “I don’t know either, but the police just received a report that ‘White Tiger’ shot another passerby with a pistol in the direction of Century City.”
Yue Ming said with some confusion: “Don’t you think it’s a little strange?”
Wei Renwu said: “Even you have noticed something is wrong.”
Yue Ming nodded and said: “Yes, for a fugitive, his actions are a bit too high-profile.”
Wei Renwu said: “‘White Tiger’ is indeed a little too high-profile. He is a smart man and he will never do unnecessary things. He must have done it deliberately for another purpose.”
“But what could be his purpose?”
Wei Renwu stroked his mustache and thought for a while and said: “Just like the trick I used that failed before, ‘Founding in the east and attacking in the west’.”
“‘Sound in the east and attack in the west’?” Yue Ming asked doubtfully.
Wei Renwu nodded and said: “Yes, he created panic in various directions in Chengdu and mobilized police forces to pounce in these directions. Then he had the opportuni

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