k of a reckless man.

k of a reckless man.

The big gun in Wei Xiaobei’s hand was that reckless man.
The big gun was immediately drawn out, bringing out a jet of black blood and yellow liquid, and then the gun broke through the blockage of the dagger.
/One shot in the throat!
After adding the effect of the accompanying big gun, the white mist divine big gun has double the various effects, and the sharp effect is naturally doubled. One spear pierced the giant man’s throat. Even if the giant man activated his steel body, Even the spear head that could break through steel was of no avail. In the blink of an eye, the sharp tip of the spear emerged from the back of the giant man’s neck.
Of course, if it were an ordinary person, this shot would kill him directly, with at most a struggle.
But this giant man is not an ordinary human being, but a heroic warrior with a terrifying three-star biological level.
It originally possesses the spiritual nature of being immune to nearly half of the physical damage, and has a constitution of up to 50 points.
Therefore, even if the gun head penetrated his neck, the giant man still resisted with all his strength. He grabbed the gun head with his left hand, trying to control Wei Xiaobei’s weapon, and grabbed the back with his right hand and fired a short shot. The spear was thrown towards Wei Xiaobei.
At such a close range, Wei Xiaobei made a decisive decision and swung the big gun with his left hand to grab the tail. The big gun was like a javelin and flew straight through the giant man’s neck. Wei Xiaobei was an iron man. Banqiao bent backwards as hard as he could, and the short spear almost flew past Wei Xiaobei’s belly.
To say that today’s heroic warriors are indeed unlucky, perhaps it is due to the influence of Kaismier’s natural luck. All heroic warriors who go against Wei Xiaobei become unlucky.
In the direction from which the short spear flew, a patrol with more than two hundred people was rushing towards them. As a result, when they noticed the short spear flying towards them, it was too late to dodge.
The short spear exploded after piercing several people, blowing more than twenty heroic warriors into pieces.
Needless to say, the heroic warrior patrol was unlucky, and the giant man was even more unlucky. Wei Xiaobei used an iron bridge to avoid the short spear, and kicked forward with his right leg, directly hitting the giant man’s chin.
Although this giant man weighed more than 500 kilograms, under Wei Xiaobei’s powerful kick, he turned into a broken kite that flew out. Blood spurted out from the wound, and he flew backwards.
The big gun shot out by Wei Xiaobei was now stuck on the ground fifty meters away.
Wei Xiaobei rushed out after chasing the giant man, thinking to himself, the big gun immediately disappeared from the place, and when it reappeared, it was back in Wei Xiaobei’s hand.
One of the effects of the white mist magical gun is the recall ability. As long as the distance between the gun and the host exceeds thirty meters, the host, that is, Wei Xiaobei, can activate

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