of ten thousand people. Plus other officers and deputies who do not directly command the troops, there are at least 40 officers above the army commander level.

of ten thousand people. Plus other officers and deputies who do not directly command the troops, there are at least 40 officers above the army commander level.

Wei Xiaobei saw this clearly when he entered the tent before, there were nearly 50 people.
And these officers are not ordinary people. They are at least three-star terrifying and above. There are many four-star strong men among them, and they are all big-bellied men.
One hundred and fifty sixty kilograms of meat are made into dishes, and the weight is only about three hundred kilograms, more than six hundred kilograms.
/More than ten kilograms of food per person is just a drizzle. Besides, some of it is distributed to low-level officers, so there is no need to consider whether it will be wasted.
As for the ordinary soldiers, Wei Xiaobei also thought about them.
Soak the damaged meat in alkaline water to destroy the fire poison.
After such treatment, the quality of the bifang meat has declined a lot, but Wei Xiaobei paired the meat with wild vegetables and other things, and the broth he cooked was of rare quality, and the aroma was fragrant in every pot. It was even more delicious when eaten in the mouth, which made the soldiers exclaim with joy.
It has to be said that in terms of exposed taste, this rare dish is actually better than the immortal dish.
Of course, the benefit of immortal dishes does not lie in the appetite. The officers also felt this.
When Wei Xiaobei washed up again and entered the tent, several officers came forward to chat.
Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei’s exquisite dishes have won him status.
Although cooks had a low status in ancient times, it also depends on the cook.
If a chef can produce dishes that enhance his own strength and many other benefits, then even His Majesty the Emperor will probably pay three respects to him.
As soon as Wei Xiaobei sat down, he was naturally not polite and started eating meat.
Those immortal dishes can permanently increase attributes. Wei Xiaobei is so busy that he will naturally not let them go.
/The only regret is that there is no wine in this tent.
Wei Xiaobei also wanted to see if Zhao Yun’s wine was some kind of immortal product.
Unfortunately, after thinking about it, I realized that this is the military camp under Zhao Yun’s jurisdiction, not Zhang Fei’s military camp. It is definitely impossible to find wine.
Since there were too many dishes to prepare, Wei Xiaobei did not explore them one by one.
And in the middle of the banquet, a black-faced officer under Wei Xiaobei suddenly stood up. A wave of air rolled outside his body, like a roaring wind, and immediately blew up the surrounding wine tables, causing There was chaos in the tent, and then a ball of white light emerged from the black-faced officer, giving people a very powerful and suppressing feeling.
Wei Xiaobei, who was sitting not far away, felt like a volcano was erupting next to him, and he felt like a big mountain was pressing on him. Let alone raising his hands to pinch the meat, it was extremely difficult to breathe, and

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