how strong the recovery ability of mutant humans is, it is impossible to resurrect them.

how strong the recovery ability of mutant humans is, it is impossible to resurrect them.

Looking at the tragic situation in front of the gate, Wei Xiaobei had a better understanding of the violent temper of the flying sword.
It seemed that the sword attack he received outside the courtyard wall was pretty good.
Didn’t you see that these mutated humans knocking on the door were almost all delayed?
Wei Xiaobei looked around, then walked half a circle along the courtyard wall and climbed up to a nearby building.
This building is not very high, only nine floors, but it is enough to expand Wei Xiaobei’s field of vision a lot.
The Mutated Farmers Market is waiting right here!
If the mutant farmer’s market wants to come, they can only go around the Chengshi Martial Arts Hall or directly crush it.
It’s still a plan to divert misfortune!
With the size of the mutated farmer’s market, it is almost impossible to avoid the Cheng Family Martial Arts School from here.
Just think about it. A pile of millions of tons of reinforced concrete is rushing towards this direction. Will the flying swords in Cheng’s Martial Arts Hall be so obediently waiting for the mutated farmer’s market to pass?
Do not make jokes.
At this moment, the energy of the Feathered Flying Sword may not have subsided.
Well, to be honest, this plan to divert disaster to the east is not about strength, but about wisdom.
If Wei Xiaobei’s enemy was a human being, this plan of diverting trouble to the east might be of no use at all.
He’s not stupid, he would crush him towards Cheng’s Martial Arts School in a daze.
But the Mutated Farmers Market is different.
/Not to mention how intelligent he is, every time he travels, in addition to chasing down enemies, there is also a more important thing, which is to devour other buildings to strengthen himself.
In fact, when Wei Xiaobei went to check out the Biani Farmers Market this time, he saw some problems.
The area of ??the mutant farmer’s market has expanded a bit compared to before. This is the result of the heavy damage caused by the weird hut in the square.
No building that passes through its route can escape the fate of being devoured by it.
What’s more, this Cheng’s Martial Arts School has the title of “Treasure” behind its name.
Bang, boom, rumble
The chaotic sound in the distance is getting closer.
/Wei Xiaobei knew without looking that the mutated farmer’s market was coming this way.
This sound is the sound of its march.
Layers of concrete floors surge past like waves. Whether it is a high-rise building or a low-rise bungalow, it will soon be swallowed up by the constantly flowing body of the mutated farmer’s market.
The distance from the original site of the Mutated Farmers Market to the Cheng Family Martial Arts Hall is not long, only about three or four kilometers.
Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei saw the mutated farmer’s market from a distance, there were not many high-rise buildings in the mutated farmer’s market.
Well, of course, this is not only because the distance is short, but also be

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