area of ??Weijia Island is more than 20 square kilometers. Excluding the reef area, there are more than 36,000 acres left. The cultivated land is tentatively estimated at 10,000 acres, including 1,500 acres of the botanical garden. Of the other 26,000 acres, more than 8,000 acres of land with poor terrain were designated as forest land, and the remaining 16,000 acres were temporarily unused.

area of ??Weijia Island is more than 20 square kilometers. Excluding the reef area, there are more than 36,000 acres left. The cultivated land is tentatively estimated at 10,000 acres, including 1,500 acres of the botanical garden. Of the other 26,000 acres, more than 8,000 acres of land with poor terrain were designated as forest land, and the remaining 16,000 acres were temporarily unused.

But even so, you can imagine how difficult it is for a hundred or so people to cultivate 10,000 acres of farmland.
/Fortunately, the selected farmland was relatively flat. Wei Xiaobei had specially allocated ten million US dollars to purchase mechanical farm tools. As for the related farm buildings, they had already been built, such as barns and so on.
Needless to say, the Ministry of Forces, Zhang Zhilong directly took over the security company and martial arts school in Cuihu City.
As for the island’s defense department, all the core disciples and the remaining former gray-white members were recruited. At the same time, Wei Xiaobei also specially bred twenty sea animals for the use of the island’s defense department.
After all, sea animals are much more effective than humans in providing early warning of silent invasion by foreign enemies.
Only Zhu Xinyi’s coordination department is in trouble. Che Meihan serves as the deputy minister. However, in addition to coordinating matters between various departments, this coordination department is also responsible for logistics.
Just two bachelor commanders can’t do this.
There were few people before, so Father Wei and Mother Wei directly took care of the food.
Now, those with families are okay and can start their own business in the villa, but shopping for groceries is also a troublesome thing, and it is even more troublesome for singles without family members.
Therefore, Zhu Xinyi and Che Meihan had to recruit a group of chefs and even servants, and set up a collective canteen to solve the dietary problems of these singles.
Legoff volunteered to join the collective canteen and learned from the chefs. Wei Xiaobei also gave some pointers from time to time, which helped Legoff improve a lot in this area. It seems that it will not be long before You can activate cooking skills.
With the establishment of these six departments, the operation of Weijia Island has gradually entered a regular stage.
In other words, even if Wei Xiaobei is not on the island for the time being, the problem will not be big.
As far as safety is concerned, very few people would dare to move around the turtle demon king not far away.
Solved the problem of continuous operation of Weijia Island.
Wei Xiaobei chose a sunny day and took Wei’s father, Wei’s mother, Zhu Xinyi and other close people to the core of the botanical garden.
Here, there is an altar of earth, well, it is a replica of the one in Kyoto, but the area is much smaller, only more than ten square meters, but the structure is exactly the same.
There was a basement built under the altar. After everyone entered the basement, Wei Xiaobei to

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