reproduces do not have the ability to reproduce, but they can grow rapidly.

reproduces do not have the ability to reproduce, but they can grow rapidly.

This is also a helpless thing. Cultivated creatures are not real creatures after all. It is good to be able to reproduce for one generation. Things like those fire dragons have no reproduction ability at all.
This is also one of the flaws in cultivating creatures on the altar of life.
/But this is enough for the White Mist Shrimp group.
The number of rapidly multiplying chlorella released from a meat ball exceeds hundreds of millions! These algae will directly parasitize the mother white mist shrimp. When the mother white mist shrimp lays eggs, the rapidly multiplying chlorella mother will be implanted into the eggs.
After the eggs hatch into shrimps, the shrimps will form a symbiotic relationship with the algae. The chlorella reproduced by the algae will become one of the food sources of the white fog shrimps, thereby reducing the ecological impact of the white fog shrimps. Damage to the environment.
Of course, this is only an emergency measure.
The best way is to transplant the photosynthetic gene of chlorella directly into the body of the white mist shrimp mother, so that her offspring can carry out photosynthesis.
But this is not something that can be done easily.
If you want to transplant plant genes into animals without causing genetic collapse, it will take a long time of continuous experimentation.
At least, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have enough time to test this at this time.
That’s enough for now.
As the white mist shrimps continued to leave, Wei Xiaobei discovered that there were some changes in the eggs in the sea monster.
Those eggs that have not expanded for a while have formed a complete small sea monster. Driven by the desire to survive, these small sea monsters continue to attack the elastic egg shells in an attempt to break out of the cold egg shells. Get out of it.
Well, if this sea monster is still alive, then it should be time to put the eggs out of the body at this time. But because the mother body is dead and life is cut off, there is no extra nutrition to supply these eggs, so these eggs feel the need to survive. crisis.
As the little sea monster emerged one by one, a rustling sound of gnawing came from the sea monster’s body. If you heard this sound in the dead of night, it would probably scare people.
But what happened next was somewhat unexpected by Wei Xiaobei.
The peaceful atmosphere was broken at this moment.
Those little sea monster warriors who seemed to have received the general attack order at this time launched attacks on the brothers around them.
Well, just for a moment, the sea monster’s belly turned into a miniature battlefield.
Well, Wei Xiaobei didn’t know much about this kind of cannibalism.
If you want to give an example, it would be a shark.
Quite a few species of sharks are ovoviviparous or viviparous.
That is, the eggs hatch in the mother’s belly and are then produced.
Any baby shark that can successfully survive from its mother’s body will be able to adapt to this ocean wo

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