aobei asked Andre while taking out some giant wolf tenderloin that had been processed long ago from his storage bracelet.

aobei asked Andre while taking out some giant wolf tenderloin that had been processed long ago from his storage bracelet.

Andre was a little excited. He had shown no value at all during the escape. He was really worried that Wei Xiaobei would abandon him if he didn’t like it.
“Yes! Every Norwegian is the best barbecue chef!”
Andre clapped his chest and shouted triumphantly.
This sentence is not too wrong.
Because Norway is close to the Arctic, with one-third of its land area located within the Arctic Circle, its diet mainly consists of aquatic products and even meat.
As a result, smoking and roasting have become the main method of cooking food.
Therefore, it is not surprising to say that every Norwegian is a barbecue master, but if he is said to be the best barbecue master, Wei Xiaobei firmly refuses to admit this.
Throwing a few pieces of meat to Andre, Wei Xiaobei made a gesture to the effect of comparing.
Andre, who finally found something to do, was naturally very excited and started grilling according to what he called the secret Norwegian method.
Wei Xiaobei also turned his attention back to the barbecue.
But soon, Andre’s face turned sallow. He had noticed that Wei Xiaobei’s barbecue gave off an intoxicating aroma, and the barbecue that Andre made might be regarded as the best that Andre made in his life. The best barbecue, but let alone compared with Wei Xiaobei, even compared with those chefs, there is a considerable gap.
In the end, Andre had to admit defeat and asked Wei Xiaobei about barbecue techniques.
Although Wei Xiaobei had no intention of training Andre to become a barbecue master, talking more here could relieve a lot of psychological pressure, which still had some benefits.
After all the processed meat pieces in the storage bracelet were made into barbecue, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to barbecue. Although there were still several python carcasses in the storage bracelet, which were enough to make more barbecue, Wei Xiaobei The danger that something is wrong is slowly coming.
What is the danger?
Wei Xiaobei searched the surrounding environment several times using sensors, but found nothing unusual except for the vines spreading everywhere on the branches.
Yes, those vines!
Wei Xiaobei then opened his eyes and looked at the vines.
Immediately, the attribute tables of those vines appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s vision.
/Name: Mutated Creeper.
Race: Plant.
Gender: None.
Age: 1320 years old.
Creature level: 3 stars ordinary.
Introduction: It was originally an ordinary cold zone ivy that grew on the World Tree. It occasionally obtained the sap of the World Tree and mutated.
Strength: 21
Agility: 2
Physique: 41
Intelligence: 1
/Perception: 10
Charisma: 5
Skills: Photosynthesis, Carnivory.
Special abilities: rapid growth, rapid hardening, seed parasitism, water extraction.
Evolution points: X (cannot accumulate evolution points)
Possessions: 3181 mutant ivy seeds.
After reading these attributes, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but be a little surprised. This ivy has tu

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