ng for some time. Four-star elite.

ng for some time. Four-star elite.

Wei Xiaobei is just moving time forward a few steps now.
Next, Wei Xiaobei did not communicate too much with Zhu Xinyi and other disciples, but quietly left and went to a military airport somewhere.
There, he will take a transport plane and fly directly to the seaside, and then head to Japan.
As the man who was responsible for solving the problem of Long Bo’s people, Wei Xiaobei only needed to tell Xu Feiyang to take care of this trivial matter.
Of course, in the past, Wei Xiaobei could have taken a civilian airliner to get there, but now, due to the large number of monsters appearing in various places, most civilian airlines have temporarily stopped operating.
About six hours later, Wei Xiaobei’s transport plane appeared on the east coast of China.
The flight altitude of the transport plane has been reduced to three thousand meters, but the weather on the east coast of China is not very good today. The air pressure is very low, the wind is strong, and the weather is dark. It is said that an unprecedented hurricane is about to sweep here.
“Mr. Wei, do you really want to jump?”
Although the captain of this transport plane had received all orders to follow Wei Xiaobei’s arrangements, he was still shocked when he heard that Wei Xiaobei wanted to jump out of the transport plane.
Although Mr. Wei seems to be very strong, under such climate conditions, even if he is well prepared, it is difficult to say that he will have a chance of survival if he jumps and falls on the sea.
You must know that once a hurricane sweeps over, the wind force on the sea will exceed at least level 9! And the waves rolled up will be more than six meters high! An ordinary small fishing boat may be sunk by such wind and waves!
This Wei Xiaobei didn’t even prepare a life raft. Was he going to jump to his death?
Out of good intentions, the captain still asked, hoping that Wei Xiaobei would take back this idea and follow the transport plane to land at an airport on the shore.
“It’s okay, don’t worry.”
Wei Xiaobei opened the cabin door, and fierce wind rushed in instantly, making everyone take three steps back.
/Smiling at the captain, Wei Xiaobei jumped out.
/Seeing this scene, the captain and other crew members gasped and could only hope that Mr. Wei would have good luck.
The transport plane began to return, and Wei Xiaobei fell all the way down. When he reached more than 800 meters, he opened his parachute.
Well, in fact, Wei Xiaobei didn’t need this thing at all, but in order to avoid the worry and suspicion of the crew members on the transport plane, Wei Xiaobei still put on the parachute bag and opened it.
In fact, when he fell dozens of meters from the sea, Wei Xiaobei stabilized his body in the air, removed his parachute, and then plunged into the increasingly stormy sea and disappeared without a trace.
Under such climatic conditions, it was naturally impossible for the transport plane to take more risks and wait for Wei Xiaobei’s safe return. By the time Wei Xiaobei emerged from the sea aga

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