ody, Wei Xiaobei showed a smile, it was time for him to fight back!

ody, Wei Xiaobei showed a smile, it was time for him to fight back!

There was a soft sound. Wei Xiaobei dodged the opponent’s blow and punched him in the face.
Well, one thing that needs to be explained is that it doesn’t seem like a good feeling to see a face that is exactly the same as your own being dented by your own fist.
As these two punches were fired, the situation suddenly turned.
What followed was unilateral devastation.
A few minutes later, the human figure was beaten to the ground by Wei Xiaobei, and finally turned into a ball of golden light and rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.
Wei Xiaobei didn’t even have time to react, so he could only watch the golden light integrating into his body.
How is this going?
After the golden light integrated into his body, Wei Xiaobei felt that his attributes suddenly increased sharply, and his whole body felt comfortable and smooth.
The next moment, some information appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s mind, which made him understand.
It turns out that the human figure who looks exactly like him is actually his Xuanyuan bloodline!
To put it bluntly, this process is swallowing up his own Xuanyuan bloodline.
? ? ?
/Regarding this point, Wei Xiaobei felt a little confused.
However, before long, there was a change on the liquid surface not far away.
A huge dragon head is slowly emerging from the liquid surface.
This is?
Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but be startled when he saw the familiar dragon head and the flames spurting from its nostrils.
Isn’t this the fire dragon bloodline that has been swallowed up by Xuanyuan’s bloodline?
Why did you run out again at this time?
But no matter how the fire dragon bloodline came out again, Wei Xiaobei knew that he would probably have to fight hard again next.
Like Xuanyuan’s bloodline, this fire dragon floating on the liquid surface also has no wisdom.
Wei Xiaobei originally wanted to take advantage of the fact that the opponent had not yet completely risen to the surface of the liquid, and struck him with a black hand.
But before Wei Xiaobei could rush in front of him, the fire dragon opened its mouth and sprayed flames towards Wei Xiaobei.
By this time, Wei Xiaobei’s fire immunity had also been weakened to the extreme.
Just by feeling the heat wave hitting his face, Wei Xiaobei knew that if he was hit by the flames, not only he would be killed immediately, but he would at least be severely burned and his internal respiratory tract would be charred.
Wei Xiaobei, who was rushing forward, had to fall to the ground and roll like an ugly donkey to dodge the flames.
However, Wei Xiaobei learned something from the previous battle with the Xuanyuan bloodline.
For example, when the donkey fell to the ground and rolled to avoid the flames, Wei Xiaobei stretched out his left hand upwards and lightly rubbed against the edge of the flames.
Just like that, Wei Xiaobei saw a little flame stuck to his left hand. The next moment, the little flame spread quickly, and Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but bite the sharp pain caused by

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