recovered, and he said without hesitation: “I heard the master mention that there is a legend circulating in the Holy City. Among the six artifacts, the Sword of the God of Light and the Blade of the God of Darkness are actually one artifact.

recovered, and he said without hesitation: “I heard the master mention that there is a legend circulating in the Holy City. Among the six artifacts, the Sword of the God of Light and the Blade of the God of Darkness are actually one artifact.

“The power of this artifact exceeds the sum of the other artifacts, and the person who created this artifact is only one person, and this person has surpassed the realm of a grand master.”
“What about this person?” the half-elf girl asked.
“No one knows that the legend ends here, and this is just a legend. There are no written records that can confirm the existence of this person.” Anu sighed helplessly.
“Do you know?” the half-elf girl asked Surunaba.
Sulenaba pondered for a long time and said: “If such a person really exists, then he will definitely not be able to stay in this world. Have you heard of the Extreme Wall of Power?”
“That seems to be something only warriors would encounter.” Elf Karl said.
“You are right. Warriors and skill masters also have two thresholds: master and grand master. It’s just that for them, the master is called the war king, and the grand master is called the war saint.”
Sulenaba sighed: “Unlike the skilled master, no warrior wants to become a war saint, because becoming a war saint means embarking on a road of no return.
“After becoming a War Saint, that person must constantly increase his strength. If he stagnates even slightly, he will self-destruct and die. If he fights with others, he must not be injured. If the injury causes his strength to decline, he will also die.
“Even if everything goes well, there is still a hurdle at the end. So far, I don’t know if anyone has successfully crossed this hurdle. Some people can be known to be losers at a glance, and their fate is even worse than death.
“If you have the opportunity to enter the Holy City and see the Holy Tomb with your own eyes, you can see those losers wandering around the Holy Tomb. They are neither alive nor dead. They have been guarding the Holy Tomb for thousands of years. . Others may have succeeded, but they have never been seen again.”
Karl said: “According to our elves, they have transcended this world, entered the Kingdom of God, and become a member of the gods.”
“I know, I’ve heard this statement too.” Sulenaba nodded slightly.
“But I am more willing to believe that there is some kind of rule in the universe. This rule does not allow too powerful beings to appear in this world. Once such a being appears, it may be thrown into a world full of strong people. , or simply eliminate him.”
/“I would rather believe what Karl said. Successful people enter the Kingdom of God and become a member of the gods?” the half-elf girl imagined with longing.
Surunnaba’s face looked a little strange. He was far less enthusiastic about becoming a god than the half-elf girl. After all, the life he had now might not even be comparable to the gods, not to mention that the road to becoming a god was full of obstacles. There are unknown risks, and we don’t know whether the Kingdom of G

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