. He didn’t want to kill at will against his will, so he used all his own blood. He drew so much blood that he almost lost his life. He died before the altar of life was built.

. He didn’t want to kill at will against his will, so he used all his own blood. He drew so much blood that he almost lost his life. He died before the altar of life was built.

With blood, a large amount of life energy needs to be injected. Hel vaguely felt that every time he filled the altar with life energy, his body changed slightly. This change was very strange and did not make him stronger, but Hel himself did not know how to describe this change. Perhaps it can be said that it has become more vital, and it should even be expressed as “immortal”.
He vaguely felt that the Altar of Life was transforming his body. As long as there was enough sacred energy to complete this transformation, he could shape it into a divine body.
The Altar of Life was probably something that the Immortal King researched in order to become a god, but gave up in the end for some reason.
Hull wanted to find out the answer, but unfortunately he was finally kicked out after a week in the ambulance.
The Palace in the Sky had been completely destroyed. It was hit by the white light, but not even a scrap was left behind. The power of the white light was really surprising.
The place where he lives now is a makeshift camp. What makes him happy is that five of the eight people with him survived. The survivors include the brother and sister, the elf Karl, and the dwarf Qiu. and Anu, the one-horned demon who was the first to escape.
“What on earth is that? I only saw a flash of white light, and the ice wall was completely penetrated.” It was still the half-elf girl who couldn’t help but ask.
Of course, the one who can answer this question is still the one-horned demon Anu.
“I don’t know either, but I guess it should be one of the six legendary artifacts.”
“Six great artifacts——” Several people exclaimed at the same time, but some were excited and some were confused.
“Which artifact will it be? Could it be the Thunder God’s Whip?” the half-elf girl asked.
“It also can’t be the Death Scythe. I’ve seen that weapon. When the Death Scythe is released, it will be a crescent-shaped black arc. The arc will move forward. As long as it is swept by the arc, everything will be divided into pieces. Two.” Elf Karl is definitely a well-informed guy.
“Tearing apart space on a large scale?” Hull asked: “Isn’t that much more powerful than the white light we see?”
/“If it were the Death Scythe, the palace in the sky would only be broken into two pieces, instead of being so completely destroyed as it is now.” Anu said: “The six artifacts each have their own strengths, and it’s hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker. ”
“In addition to the Thunder God’s Whip and the Death God’s Scythe, the six major artifacts include the God of War’s Halberd, the Sword of the God of Light, the Blade of the God of Darkness, and the Forgiveness of the Goddess of Life. The Forgiveness of the Goddess of Life is not an offensive weapon and can be excluded. The God of Darkness The blade must not be able to emit white light, so only the Halberd of the God of War and the S

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