om with two shotguns in his hands and a short gun on his waist.

om with two shotguns in his hands and a short gun on his waist.

The old count is indeed worthy of being an adventurer who has experienced strong winds and waves. He looks much calmer. His movements are not as fast as his son’s, and he only got a pistol. However, the old man stood at the top of the stairs and commanded calmly, with a certain air of a general.
The old man directed the helpless servants and asked this man to get the dogs into the house. If there was really a danger, these dogs would be more useful than those servants and even the guns in their hands. And ask that person to get the food from the kitchen. After all, no one knows when the crisis will be over.
The countess was the least concerned among the three people. The countess was wearing a black cloak and holding a necklace with a statue of the god in her hand. She was sitting quietly on the sofa in the living room. There was no trace of emotion on her face. The panic and sadness were as calm as if nothing had happened.
Hull looked at the old lady in astonishment. He could vaguely see that there was a layer of divine power covering the old lady’s body.
/Of course he could see that the countess did not have any supernatural powers, nor had she practiced or been modulated. This sacred power came entirely from her devout faith.
/Hull has never believed in religion and faith, but now he is a little shaken. Perhaps faith can sometimes give believers power, and this power is somewhat unexpected.
Suddenly, a burst of rapid gunfire rang out, shocking everyone in the villa.
“Six-barreled minigun.” The old count shouted: “Is it possible that the army is dealing with sky knights? Or super warriors?”
The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. The words of the old earl made Hull suddenly understand. He had always been a little strange, why did the Beru people study continuous fire weapons? The war they had just experienced had proved that continuous fire weapons were of little use. .
Now the answer is finally known.
It turns out that this kind of weapon is prepared to deal with sky knights and super warriors.
Listening to the gunfire ringing out outside, it was absolutely impossible to be emitted by a single continuous-firing weapon. There would have to be at least five of them for the gunfire to be so dense.
Imagine the bullets ejected from five continuous-firing weapons. It can really be described as a rain of bullets.
There was another rapid knock on the door, and Phillip’s housekeeper immediately ran to the door and opened it.
This time, the person standing at the door was no longer a messenger, but a second lieutenant.
After the words fell, there was a dead silence in the villa.
There were corpses everywhere, and all the corpses looked mutilated. The wounds were not caused by swords or bullets, but looked like they had been corroded by strong acid.
This kind of bloody wound was the most horrifying thing, so much so that the members of the reserve team who were temporarily called up felt weak in their feet when they saw t

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