ispel the cold, what is the price?”

ispel the cold, what is the price?”

Hull didn’t care too much about what everyone said, he didn’t care about the money.
People here are not allowed to live in the town, probably for this reason. The people in the town are afraid that the travelers will cause trouble.
/Red Pine Town is a press, squeezing as much profit and water as possible out of these people who have little money, and all of this is obviously legal.
Now he finally understood why the ticket was so cheap. Compared with the dangers along the way, the small amount of money was really not enough. It turned out that they had already prepared.
And low ticket prices can attract more passengers to take their buses. All this is a trap.
But it is not illegal to do so. If you can’t afford the expensive prices in Hongsong Town, the only way is to leave with your luggage and claim the loss from the car dealer. The car dealer will at most refund the ticket.
If a passenger wants to speak with the weapon in his hand, it is against the law; the people in Red Pine Town are not good people in any way, and anyone who dares to step forward will definitely be shot to death.
This was definitely an open blackmail, a trap in broad daylight, and Hull suddenly felt that he had learned another trick.
Of course, other people also know that toughness is not feasible. When these people get together, they just complain. No matter how expensive it is, it will not hurt them. After all, they are not the ones spending the money. If they can get to Raymond, they can pay it back slowly. Anyway, Hull has promised to find jobs for them. As long as they have jobs, they can always pay off the debt.
Everyone complained and saw that there was no way to change the reality, so they could only go to sleep.
Hull was lying on the thin blanket. Fortunately, it was not bought in Red Pine Town. A thinner blanket here costs twenty-five marks.
He didn’t fall asleep, he was just sorting out what he had gained in the past few days. This trip really allowed him to see a lot of things.
Miscon is a big city, so the authorities are still cautious, but in these small places, the Beru people don’t treat other people as human beings at all. However, compared with the Beru people, the bandits are the more vicious ones.
/Hull had known before that the security situation in the two southern provinces was more chaotic, but he did not expect it to become such a chaos.
This is definitely not a sign of poor control by the Beru people. I am afraid that the authorities deliberately made the residents of the three major provinces suffer, and then resorted to thunderous means. By that time, the bandits and the resistance organizations were eliminated together, and the Yafa people were still Gotta applaud.
Because of the serious infestation of bandits, there are no decent carriages along the way, and rich people dare not travel. In this way, the wealth of the three major provinces will not escape due to the immigration of Beru immigrants.
Understanding the intentions of the authorities, Hull had no choice

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