do you have any objections?”

do you have any objections?”

Earl Pierce’s words made Hudson wake up from his association in an instant. If everything on the list was predetermined, it would be embarrassing for him, a temporary worker.
If you rob with these big guys, you will easily offend others, and you may also be severely beaten by society.
/After all, the rules are made by the strong. It is only natural for people to use their privileges to make small modifications.
If he doesn’t compete with these guys, will Hudson feel at a loss?
You can’t paddle all the way and let the locusts plunder, right?
For other things, he, Mr. Hudson, is a professional level paddler, but this time the situation is obviously different.
If the locust plague is allowed to ravage, the mountain leaders will not be able to escape. If you shoot yourself in the foot, Hudson will definitely not do it.
“Your Majesty the Governor, if I exchange the credit I have received with others for something else, it should be allowed, right?”
Hudson asked tentatively.
In theory, this kind of insider trading should be strictly cracked down on. The best example is military merit. The kingdom has stipulated the most stringent laws and regulations: any transaction of military merit is prohibited.
In order to protect the interests of small and medium-sized nobles, the kingdom has always had zero tolerance for this kind of thing.
Once discovered, not only will the military merit be lost, but even the noble status will be deprived. Even the family behind him will be implicated.
Although the fight against the locust plague is not a war, in a sense, it still belongs to the same category as military merit. Participating in this kind of battle is also considered military service.
If the contribution is great enough, for example, if you kill the legendary “Insect King” and save the kingdom from losses, you can also be knighted.
Rules are rules and no one is allowed to break them.
Whoever gets the credit belongs to him, and no one can appropriate it! ”
Earl Pierce said righteously.
But his encouraging eyes were clearly telling Hudson: The boy is good, he can get on the road so quickly, he has a bright future!
Even the few people who attended the meeting looked at Hudson with kind eyes. Obviously, as long as you don’t compete with them for precious cultivation resources, other problems won’t matter.
The scene before him made Hudson completely give up. Sure enough, there is nothing new under the sun.
In a world where classes are highly monopolized and solidified, how could there be no insider operations?
As a latecomer, if you can get a share of the pie, it is because the big shots pay attention to their appearance. If you overestimate your capabilities and rush to grab food, then be prepared to receive a beating from society!
“Thank you, Lord Earl, for the reminder. Hudson has learned a lesson!”
While speaking, Hudson took advantage of the opportunity to salute Earl Pierce.
Show with practical actions that you are a good boy who knows the rules, only takes what you deser

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