spicuous. However, his status in everyone’s minds is still changing subtly.

spicuous. However, his status in everyone’s minds is still changing subtly.

Invisibly, it created a political illusion for everyone: Mr. Hudson has a very important say in the province, and the two families jointly hold the highest say in the southeastern province.
Just like now, Governor Pierce did not speak out to object, and others also chose to acquiesce.
Because at this moment, in the minds of many people, Hudson and Governor Pierce were on the same level, and the rest of the nobles were one level lower.
/As long as Governor Pierce did not make his position clear, no one among the county guards present would dare to take the lead in confronting Hudson.
Even though everyone represented the same county, a look from Hudson could shut them up, but no one thought there was a problem.
In fact, this invisible influence can be traced back to the period of the orc invasion. When he was the coach of the Kingdom, Hudson had already established his authority.
The classic scene of catching the five great nobles of the North as a lesson to Sun Tzu was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it was extremely irritating to the witnesses.
Following Viscount Autumn to the back garden, they saw him move a rockery, and a passage appeared in front of everyone.
Moving along the secret road, the road gradually widened, like an ant nest, surrounded by large and small mines, supported by artificial pillars in the middle.
From the cobwebs in the sky and the dust on the ground, it can be seen that no one has been here for a long time.
He randomly selected a mine to enter and traveled all the way to the depths of the mine. After looking at the crystals on the rock wall and snapping off a piece, Hudson’s brows suddenly furrowed.
“Do you see anything wrong?”
“My Lord Earl, everything is normal here. There is no trace of evil power at all. It doesn’t seem like someone has cast a curse.
Maybe you can look elsewhere. This is a large magic crystal mine. Even if someone casts a curse, it will be difficult to cover such a large area. ”
Magister Yuri’s answer made Hudson shake his head slightly. There is no problem, which is often the biggest problem.
After devouring so many magic crystals, Hudson also had some research on magic crystals. The magic crystal in my hand seems to be of good quality, but the energy wave movement is very different.
Judging from the energy fluctuations on the magic crystal, it seems that this is not a naturally formed vein, but more like a power that has been artificially instilled.
There is no problem in artificially creating magic crystals in theory, and there are also successful cases in the laboratory. Regardless of cost, this is a good improvement.
/But that’s just a magic crystal, not a magic crystal mine. The principles of the two are similar. The problem is when it comes to specific operations, where can we find such a large amount of energy?
“Then let’s investigate separately. But everyone, please be careful. The mine here has not been used for some days. If there is too much movement, it

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