ith trembling hands, and subconsciously looked towards the top of the city, where he saw the woman in the Jade Emperor’s arms looking directly at him with a frozen expression.

ith trembling hands, and subconsciously looked towards the top of the city, where he saw the woman in the Jade Emperor’s arms looking directly at him with a frozen expression.

ith trembling hands, and subconsciously looked towards the top of the city, where he saw the woman in the Jade Emperor’s arms looking directly at him with a frozen expression.
Deep shame welled up in her heart, which turned into anger and engulfed Zi Wei.
/Even though she was just a woman whom he regarded as a plaything, the pity and sadness in Gou Chen’s eyes still made Zi Wei feel a pain in her heart.
Sitting in the sky, looking down at all living things, he let a woman take pity on him…
The old man pressed his mount heavily, Zi Wei turned to look at Hou Tu, and gave a low drink.
“I will take the middle path and kill the Jade Emperor myself. I hope His Majesty Houtu will plunder the formation for me.”
Houtu was slightly startled, raised his head, glanced at the Emperor of Heaven in the city, and nodded slowly after a long while.
Seeing Hou Tu respond, the fiery color reignited in Ziwei’s eyes, and he took the lead, leading three thousand Ziweixing soldiers to charge towards the city. Beside him, Hou Tu also led three thousand yellow turban warriors to raid the formation for Ziwei.
In the old eyes, the Jade Emperor’s smiling face gradually grew bigger. Emperor Ziwei took a deep breath, grabbed the stars in the sky, and gathered all the Tao power he had cultivated throughout his life into his palms.
“Young Jade Emperor, you dare to fight!”
“I have said that it only takes three things. Old Ziwei, how can I dare to fight when my defeated generals are defeated?”
The Jade Emperor said lightly, feeling that the delicate body in his arms was slightly shaking. Trembling, the Jade Emperor turned to look at Gou Chen, his fingertips brushed across her smooth chin, and he smiled inexplicably.
“What, are you feeling distressed? Or do you feel regretful now?”
Hearing this, Gou Chen’s expression froze. The next moment, she suddenly gathered her strength, wrapped her arms around her, hugged the Jade Emperor’s body tightly, and restrained him. At the head of the city.
“Jade Emperor’s son, suffer death!”
Seeing Gou Chen who used all his strength to restrain the Jade Emperor on the city wall, Zi Wei’s face was full of disbelief. After a moment, a hole seemed to open somewhere in his heart, and he didn’t know whether it was sour or bitter feelings quietly flowing, but it was A feeling he had never tasted before.
“Zi Wei, although you have obtained the status of Zi Wei Emperor, you are still a little short of the fire. After you are completely refined, you will be able to sense the demon transformed by the star master Zi Wei sent to Hezhou, Xiniu. This is the beginning of Journey to the West. The key is also the opportunity for the remaining Tianwu Mountain Star Masters except you, Po Jun and Li Tianji.”
But the sword had already fallen, and the Taoist power approaching Baixing swept both Jade Emperor and Gou Chen into the sword wind. They felt six parts guilty, three parts intolerable, and one part emotions that even he couldn’t explain echoed in his heart. Ziwei shook her teeth and suppressed the dist

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