of the Heavenly Emperor’s throne, and he was considered to be on the winner’s side. What’s more, there are fifty thousand Tianwu Mountain guards who are brave and good at fighting. One is worth ten. No one in the world dares to underestimate Tianwu Mountain. Even the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who previously chased and suppressed Mr. Jun’s disciples remained calm and watched. Mr. Jun and his two disciples, Shi Shiran, sat on the attic without taking a second look. Apparently, they had already acquiesced in the Tengo Mountain seats. As expected, two of the remaining three seats belong to the Jade Emperor and Houtu respectively. Therefore, the only one left to the powerful people in Chang’an City is the last attic.

of the Heavenly Emperor’s throne, and he was considered to be on the winner’s side. What’s more, there are fifty thousand Tianwu Mountain guards who are brave and good at fighting. One is worth ten. No one in the world dares to underestimate Tianwu Mountain. Even the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who previously chased and suppressed Mr. Jun’s disciples remained calm and watched. Mr. Jun and his two disciples, Shi Shiran, sat on the attic without taking a second look. Apparently, they had already acquiesced in the Tengo Mountain seats. As expected, two of the remaining three seats belong to the Jade Emperor and Houtu respectively. Therefore, the only one left to the powerful people in Chang’an City is the last attic.

of the Heavenly Emperor’s throne, and he was considered to be on the winner’s side. What’s more, there are fifty thousand Tianwu Mountain guards who are brave and good at fighting. One is worth ten. No one in the world dares to underestimate Tianwu Mountain. Even the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who previously chased and suppressed Mr. Jun’s disciples remained calm and watched. Mr. Jun and his two disciples, Shi Shiran, sat on the attic without taking a second look. Apparently, they had already acquiesced in the Tengo Mountain seats. As expected, two of the remaining three seats belong to the Jade Emperor and Houtu respectively. Therefore, the only one left to the powerful people in Chang’an City is the last attic.
The morning light spreads out of the sky and clouds. In the picturesque spring picture of Chang’an City, the immortals, gods and mortals are all caught in the painting. The mortals can only see the Buddha land all over the sky and the great virtues reciting Buddhist scriptures at the meeting place, but they cannot see the immortals, gods and demons around them. Fight. The last attic, the last seat on the journey to the West, is also the opportunity to become a saint, and all the powerful people in the world will not covet it. Outside the “Buddha Land” that mortals can’t see, powerful men fought to the death, and blood stained the Chang’anfang Mayor Street. Another night passed, but no one climbed up to the attic.
/“With fame and wealth, immortals and gods will also come.”
On the high pavilion to the south, a man in white clothes and silver hair murmured in a low voice as he looked at the fierce fighting field of Shura.
/“Wu Ming, why hasn’t the master come yet?”
The girl who held the sword hilt tightly blinked her eyes and asked in confusion.
“Miss Zuo, don’t be anxious. The ceremony of sending the saints has not started yet. Even if it starts, your master will not show up until the overall situation is settled.”
In the eyes of the powerful people in Chang’an, the person sitting high in the tower is Mr. Tianwushanjun, but in fact , Zhou Jijun is currently wandering in the deep gardens of Chang’an Palace.
After walking through the heavily guarded palace corridor, and walking further inside, there was the Yangxin Hall. Zhou Jijun stopped and saw a disheveled emperor sitting alone under a short tree on the corridor, looking at the ground in trance.
“Li Jing.”
After thinking for a while, Zhou Jijun slightly cupped his hands and called out.
After a long time, Li Jing still lowered his head blankly. There seemed to be something interesting attracting him on the soil covered with petals. Zhou Jijun frowned and looked down, and saw an ant crawling slowly. Just as it climbed over a flower petal, it was blown up by the breeze and fell into the mud. However, it struggled to climb out of the mud and never tired of walking towards it. Keep crawling towards the petals.
Silence, the huge palace was quiet, the wind passed by silently, the stream was dry, more than a hundred feet inside and outside the Y

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