esn’t work, it doesn’t matter if it’s repaired.”

esn’t work, it doesn’t matter if it’s repaired.”

esn’t work, it doesn’t matter if it’s repaired.”
The middle-aged and young people looked at each other.
What’s the quality of this…?
It’s broken like this, but it’s still usable!
After sending the customer away respectfully, Xiao Li filled in the maintenance records carefully. When he glanced at the statistics inadvertently, his eyes suddenly lit up, he quickly picked up the record book and hurried to the backstage.
Functional phone, plastic shell, large gap between the shell and the motherboard, multiple fixed points, multiple flaps when dropped, and disintegration to consume collision energy.
Nokia’s routine was finally copied by Shenzhou Factory.
/“Report to the chairman, Shenzhou PHS after-sales records have met the requirements.”
August 28.
Wanwan is fighting a financial war, and Shenzhou’s mobile phone production business has officially entered a mature stage, becoming a bargaining chip to win more OEM orders!
In Wancheng Mansion, Zhao Song put down his cell phone with a smile and shouted into the bedroom:
“Daughter-in-law, have you finished packing? You won’t be able to catch the plane if it’s too late.”
On this day, Zhao Song will also bid farewell to his girlfriend… …
/get on a plane to France.
Yes, planes…
Zhao Song’s girlfriend is Li, whose name is Linna. Zhao Song’s nickname is “Baobao” and she is from rural areas in Jilin Province in northeastern China.
She was born smart and intelligent. When she was learning to speak, the village loudspeaker read the long poem “Pipa Xing” and she could recite it quickly. Unfortunately, her father, who loved her the most, passed away when she was four years old. There were only mother Jin and six brothers in the family, and the family was impoverished.
When Lina grew up, she became good at farming and weaving, and her family of six relied on her craftsmanship for a living. Even when her brothers went to school, there was never a shortage of tuition fees for their teachers.
After going to college, she worked as a car model in the winter, played as a doll in the summer, sold blood, and suffered hardships. If there were no accidents, Li Shilina might uphold the fine female tradition of the flower gardening family for thousands of years and support her four brothers in the family. Only when you start a family and start a business can you drag your exhausted body and live a life of your own.
Unfortunately, there are no ifs in life. When this beautiful girl reached the end of her rope, what came to her was not a bright future, but an ancient marriage deal… She collapsed.
The girl’s only resistance is to sell herself for a good price before her family sells her.
And the richest man is a great otaku who has been a dog licker for fifteen years!
“Daughter-in-law, have you finished packing? If it’s too late, you won’t be able to catch the plane.”
Outside the door, her boyfriend’s urging came. Li Linna, who was looking in the mirror, smiled slightly and turned around

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