, he walked around the door and leaned honestly next to the child . , which made the listless little bully suddenly happy, holding on to the big dog tightly and never letting go.

, he walked around the door and leaned honestly next to the child . , which made the listless little bully suddenly happy, holding on to the big dog tightly and never letting go.

, he walked around the door and leaned honestly next to the child . , which made the listless little bully suddenly happy, holding on to the big dog tightly and never letting go.
“Koi carps are very particular. For the sake of your little butt, you’d better secretly gather some flowers and plants for me.”
At this time, Zhao Song came over with a smile and a guitar on his back.
“Brother Zhao Song,” the little bully greeted him in a muffled voice when he saw him. Then his tears couldn’t stop flowing down and he said aggrievedly, “How long has it been since you came here? And where did you hide Sister Xiaoyu?”
“Everyone has their own responsibilities.” Zhao Song did not enter the yard, but sat across the fence from the little bully. “If you, Sister Xiaoyu, want to arrange your own future, you have to sell yourself to me for two years. If you want to see her, Just wait.”

What is responsibility?”
/“What do you do every day?”
The little bully avoided the important things: “Eat, go to school, play games, play games, and then sleep. “Doing homework?”
“Because homework is not fun.”
“What’s not fun is responsibility.” Zhao Song explained patiently, “Everyone has something they have to do, whether you like it or not.
” ~” The little bully lowered his head and said dullly, “But no one will accompany me to do my homework, and no one will accompany me to finish it.”
“I’ll accompany you.” Zhao Song took out the guitar and said with a smile, “How about I teach you how to play the guitar.” ”
What’s so good about playing guitar?”
/“You can hook up with kids, especially little girlfriends.”
“Women are the most troublesome creatures,

Zhao Song chuckled. Pluck the strings and the soft sound of music echoes throughout the courtyard.
The little bully hugged Benben and calmed down. At this moment, a delicate hand suddenly placed on his shoulder, and then sat beside him alone. The little bully looked sideways, and quickly hugged Benben and leaned against his mother’s arms. Listen quietly with her

Growth is a door of leaves.
There are a group of dear people in childhood.
Spring is a journey. The
possessions of vicissitudes of life .
Those I love.
The passing wind.
Those eternal vows over and over again.
Those who love me,
we all There was once an
innocent and sad face.
Holding the sun in our hands, we looked into the distance,
gently day by day,
year after year.
When we grow up,
will we sing “Wish” again? ”
The song floats across the courtyard and through the windows, Let the two old men look at each other and smile.
The singing floated across the courtyard and echoed along the lakeside, making the onlookers look at each other in amazement.
Stroking the little bully’s hair, Zhao Song whispered: “There are still three years. I hope you can understand what responsibility is by then.”
This is not an older brother playing with his younger brother, but a young upstart coming to a place that is considered to be about to fall into ruin. The Wei family is looking for inhe

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