ans were looking here with their mouths slightly open, their expressions were confused and shocked, as if they had temporarily lost the ability to think.

ans were looking here with their mouths slightly open, their expressions were confused and shocked, as if they had temporarily lost the ability to think.

Klein frowned slightly, and in the deep darkness, he walked neither fast nor slow in front of the group of ancient survivors, and stopped about two or three meters away.
“What do you know about this fog?” Klein asked in a low voice in giant language.
/This kind of language that can leverage the power of nature does not have differences between regions. There is only a slight difference in accent, but not too much, because if it is alienated on the basis of the original version, there is a high probability that it will Loss of effect on ritual magic.
It wasn’t until Gehrman Sparrow asked the question that Adal seemed to come back to his senses. His lips moved for a while, and he said without answering:
“We, we have never made the fog change…”
Just now, the scene of Gehrman Sparrow making the mist boil like water and splitting to both sides really scared them. They felt like they were witnessing a miracle.
The efforts of Yuecheng’s people from generation to generation over two or three thousand years are not as good as the other person’s attempts with a cane in one or two hundred heartbeats!
/This was the main reason why they gave up resistance when Gehrman Sparrow approached.
They instinctively believe that no matter how they avoid it, it will have no effect.
Klein was silent for two seconds and continued to ask:
“Do you have corresponding records?”
Adal understood a little bit what Gehrman Sparrow meant this time. He hesitated for a moment, nodded slowly and said:
“Yes…but only the high priests will read it often.”
Klein, who was wearing a black windbreaker and a half-top hat, thought for a moment, then suddenly reached out and took out an item from the void.
It was a cross covered in patina with several spikes protruding from it.
The “No Dark Cross” historical pore image originated from the “ancient sun god”!
Klein took the cross, raised it a little higher, and pointed it at the group of ancient remnants.
Pure, bright, and warm light bloomed out, dispelling the surrounding darkness, and shone on Adar, Xin and others.
Their combat experience made them try to defend themselves like a reflex, but the comfort derived from instinct caused them to stop their movements only halfway through.
That kind of light, that kind of warmth, is definitely not comparable to that of a fire!
This reminded the remaining members of the Moon City hunting team of the gods in ancient classics and the words of the high priest, gods who radiated infinite light and brought infinite warmth.
In the clear light, streams of illusory black energy that twisted and struggled as if it had its own vitality evaporated from the bodies of Adal, Xin and others, and quickly dissipated.
The members of the Moon City hunting team felt their bodies become lighter, and the depression in their souls disappeared.
After purifying the pollution and disease accumulated in the target’s body,

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