hat the leader of the Twilight Hermit Society, the leader behind the Psychological Alchemy Society, does not value a Sequence 4 “Manipulator” too much, and on the other hand, she can deal with possible coming events through various preparations. “Accident”.

hat the leader of the Twilight Hermit Society, the leader behind the Psychological Alchemy Society, does not value a Sequence 4 “Manipulator” too much, and on the other hand, she can deal with possible coming events through various preparations. “Accident”.

“Perhaps what that organization wants to test is how many members there are in our Tarot Society and what their identities are.” “Moon” Emlyn followed his own thoughts and responded with a smile.
“Justice” Audrey thought for a while and nodded gently:
“This possibility cannot be ruled out.”
When she said this, she glanced at the top of the mottled long table without obvious movement, and found that Mr. Fool was just listening leisurely and had no idea of ??giving the correct answer.
This made her feel a lot more at ease, and at the same time, she silently decided to be more careful and prudent. She could not reach Sequence 4 step by step and still not be able to solve some problems on her own.
——In any Orthodox Church or secret organization, Sequence 4 is a strong man who can dominate a party.
At this time, after listening to their conversation, “The Hanged Man” Alger proposed a brand new possibility:
“If that secret organization really doesn’t trust you, then their investigation may just be an excuse. The main purpose is to use you to cooperate with our Tarot Society and Mr. Fool.”
/He didn’t know why Miss Justice didn’t mention the Psychological Alchemy Club directly, so he could only use the referent carefully in coordination with the other party.
Hmm…Does this mean I have become the Tarot Society’s ambassador to the Psychological Alchemy Society? “Justice” Audrey nodded slightly and said:
“It’s also possible.
“Then what do I do next?”
“The Hanged Man” Alger thought for a while and said:
“Delay first.”
Good idea… “Magician” Forsi and “Moon” Emlyn expressed their agreement in their hearts.
After Alger gave the overall strategy, he added in detail:
“First put off going to that place and find excuses not to go until the last minute.
“When you get to that place, start investigating from the outer area first, and use caution as an excuse to slow down the investigation.
“When you really can’t delay it any longer, you can deliberately omit certain things and create a certain amount of noise, so that the spiritual dragon can notice it in advance and eliminate the traces.
“If that secret organization really has any additional purpose, the longer you delay, the more they will be unable to sit still, and if they become impatient, the problem will be exposed.”
“Hermit” Cattleya nodded after hearing this:
“This is the most appropriate response at this time.”
“I understand, thank you everyone.” “Justice” Audrey also felt that Mr. “The Hanged Man”‘s suggestion was in line with her own ideas.
However, when it came to a certain matter, she did not delay. She immediately turned her head, looked at the top of the mottled long table, and bowed:
“Dear Mr. Fool, has Adam, the Angel of Utopia, been promoted to Sequence 0?”
Yes, I can recognize this.

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