t should be sent to those armored warriors, so I can receive it. The signal propagation distance is relatively short, probably only a few dozen kilometers. I am at the farthest end of the signal propagation distance, so I can’t hear it properly. Very clear.” Yinhe replied to Liu Gan.

t should be sent to those armored warriors, so I can receive it. The signal propagation distance is relatively short, probably only a few dozen kilometers. I am at the farthest end of the signal propagation distance, so I can’t hear it properly. Very clear.” Yinhe replied to Liu Gan.

t should be sent to those armored warriors, so I can receive it. The signal propagation distance is relatively short, probably only a few dozen kilometers. I am at the farthest end of the signal propagation distance, so I can’t hear it properly. Very clear.” Yinhe replied to Liu Gan.
“Distress signal? What’s the specific content? I’ll drive a little further over there, please listen carefully.” Liu Qian hesitated for a moment and did not return the same way, but moved forward a little further in the direction he had traveled before.
After a few more kilometers, the signal became clearer, and Yinhe soon understood the ins and outs.
“Somewhere in the deep sea, there is a secret laboratory that the Armored Warriors built before. Maybe because of the disaster, they would go there every once in a while to carry out normal supplies and inspections of the laboratory. But recently, it has been Almost a month has passed, and the laboratory has not received supplies. The personnel inside felt that something was wrong, so they sent a distress signal to the outside world. They used an encrypted channel and only those armored warriors could receive it. I happened to be nearby. , the results were sent to me.”
“The content of the distress signal is mainly to understand what happened to the outside world, why they were abandoned, and then hope to get to them for rescue and supplies as soon as possible, because the food in their laboratory, The fuel and other things have been exhausted, and the raw materials required for the experiment have not been delivered in time, which has seriously affected the progress of the experiment.” Yinhe relayed it to Liu Qian after hearing clearly the content of the request for help.
/“Undersea secret laboratory? This is great! Maybe you can find a lot of good things in it. By the way, can you talk to them?” Liu Qian couldn’t help but become interested after hearing what Yinhe said. Although he narrowly escaped death in the Qingtai Mountain secret laboratory last time, in the end, his and Yinhe’s strength was greatly improved.
“I can’t take the initiative to talk to them. Judging from the programming of these armored warriors, they are deliberately programmed by intelligent creatures to not understand the local language and cannot communicate with the locals. But we can drive over and pretend to be rescuers. Enter their laboratory, I will put on armor and follow you, there will be no problem in deceiving them.” Yinhe thought for a while and gave Liu Qian some suggestions.
“Do you know their specific coordinates?” Liu Gan asked Yinhe again.
“Although they didn’t say it clearly in the distress signal, I can use triangulation to find their location. If you go about ten kilometers in that direction, I can almost calculate their accurate position by receiving their signal again. .” Yinhe thought for a while and then answered Liu Qian.
Twenty minutes later, the small submarine sailed another ten kilometers in the designated direction, and Galaxy also received the distress signal again. Afte

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