s times. .

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s times. .
If Thriller World is really a game, Liu Qian is just cheating now. He uses two powerful pets, Yinhe and Nana, to level up, and replaces other players with similar levels to him to hunt this evil bear. The difference in strength between the two sides is too big. The disparity was so great that even the giant bear in its first form was not something they could challenge, let alone the evil bear in its second form.
Finally, the big spiny bear also fell under the laser attacks of Yinhe. Nana also left a lot of wounds on it. After destroying its claws and losing its combat effectiveness, Yinhe called Liu Gan. It came over and asked Liu Qian to end its life with two grenades.
A black mist that was slightly lighter than the black mist in Mr. Crab’s body escaped from the body of the big spiny bear. It seemed that the big bear was indeed weaker than Mr. Crab, but even so, Liu Qian’s body It still became extremely hot, and the level in the watch also increased to level 10!
The rule of the Trembling World is that you may awaken a power every 5 levels. Liu Qian has one more power after the fog armor, mental shock and skin breathing powers, and his wish came true and he awakened a power. An attacking power.
The name of this ability is Moon Blade. It has no cooling time. As long as Liu Qian is extremely angry or the fog armor is attacked, the anger gauge under the moon blade will increase until it is completely full. As long as the anger gauge is not empty, a certain amount can be consumed. The anger level can be used to attack with the moon blade at any time. When punching or kicking, a golden light blade dozens of centimeters away from the body will be brought out along the attack route, causing great damage to the target.
/When the anger gauge is full, it can also emit an extremely powerful light blade at once, leaving the body to attack targets within ten meters, and the damage is dozens of times that of an ordinary moon blade.
There was no instruction on the watch. Liu Qian tried for more than ten minutes at first, but could not use the Moon Blade’s power. Looking at something like an anger gauge below, he seemed to have thought of something. After trying to get Yinhe to attack him, the anger gauge appeared. Start rising immediately, and then you can use the Moon Blade.
After repeated tests, Liu Gan tested that every time his body’s fog armor was consumed by one-tenth, the anger tank could be completely filled. He also tested the power of his ultimate move when the anger tank was full, which made him feel sad. I’m so happy that I finally awakened an attack ability, and it looks extremely sharp.
/An ordinary moon blade can easily chop down a large tree with a diameter of 20 to 30 centimeters. When the moon blade is slashed horizontally with a full rage meter, it can even knock down a tree with a diameter of more than half a meter from ten meters away. The huge ancient tree was cut directly from the middle!
The method of consuming fog armor to fill the anger gauge made Liu Qian a little uncomfortabl

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