ound of dance music pouring out of the room, Jones poked her head out and saw The girl standing outside shook her head with the plate in her hand and said hurriedly: “I guess you are showing kindness again. Head, come in quickly, I’m going to sing a song of thanks to Ruili.” The

ound of dance music pouring out of the room, Jones poked her head out and saw The girl standing outside shook her head with the plate in her hand and said hurriedly: “I guess you are showing kindness again. Head, come in quickly, I’m going to sing a song of thanks to Ruili.” The

ound of dance music pouring out of the room, Jones poked her head out and saw The girl standing outside shook her head with the plate in her hand and said hurriedly: “I guess you are showing kindness again. Head, come in quickly, I’m going to sing a song of thanks to Ruili.” The
song of thanks is a song that migrated to Nuo Americans in the Asian world have added new links when attending private parties, mainly because the times have become difficult and it is no longer easy for the host to hold a sincere party. Therefore, if the guests are satisfied with the hospitality of the party, Just sing and express your gratitude.
/This gave Julie the opportunity to get out of the embarrassing situation. She replied, “Oh, is it so late, Jones?” She hurried into the room, calmed down a little, and surrounded Ruili with other colleagues. Clap your hands gently and sing “Friendship Is Priceless”.
/After singing a song of thanks, guests began to leave, but Julie stayed until the last moment of the party. She and a few good friends packed up all the remaining food and gave it to the homeless people on the street before making a phone call. Call a taxi and leave.
The car was driving in the brightly lit city, and the howling cold wind blew away the drunkenness and the heat in the heart. Sitting in the passenger seat, Jones held her forehead and shook her head, closed the slit on the window, and said enviously: “Ruili She is so lucky, her father migrated to Noah’s world early, so that she can save a lot of rent, and the family is reunited safely.”
Behind the girl, Cathy breathed out a breath of alcohol and shrugged: “It is indeed a good thing to pray for the whole family to reunite in ‘Noah’, but it is not easy to live together. If it were me, I would rather spend money to rent a house by myself to have more freedom.”
“What’s wrong with living with my family? I had made up my mind since I was a child to live with my father and mother until I got married, but unfortunately, it’s a pity that I don’t have the chance now.” Jones was silent for a while and said in a low tone.
Seeing the sadness of her friend, Cathy panicked and hurriedly joked: “Really? Jones, if like Ruili, you have a little brother who is treated as a baby by your stepmother and is not related to you by blood, would you really be willing to be with her?” The family lives together?”
“Oh, Cathy, you are so mean to say that, Ruili is our good friend.” Jones said this, but couldn’t help laughing.
Julie, who was riding in the same car with the two girls, was stunned to join the conversation and asked, “Are you talking about the Asian young man named Zhang Lisheng?” ”
Yes, head, ah, you were outside the house at the party. When I was there, I seemed to see him…” Jones widened her eyes in misunderstanding and said, “Well, actually, according to psychologists, ‘Mama’s boy’ type men are kind, quiet, and seldom have bad habits, which is also very good…”
“Jones, if the psychologist really says that, Ruili’s Asian brother is the villain in ‘Mama’s Baby’, and

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