ignored it.

ignored it.

ignored it.
After thinking for a while, he walked into the classroom again.
He suddenly felt that it was necessary to exchange for some applicable items. Anyway, I still have plenty of time. Although the exchange list is as numerous as stars, if you look at it one by one, you can always find something that is both cheap and useful, right?
Unified examination!
It seems like a lot of preparation is needed.
In this way, six days passed quietly in everyone’s ears as the loud bell rang six times.
Nothing special happened during the six days. It seems that more students prefer the environment they create in their dormitories, rather than the dark red sky and dark red buildings of the university. Everyone, even the seniors, are making the best preparations for the upcoming unified examination!
After all, this is a unified examination with rewards and punishments.
Everyone came to their classrooms on time.
The same is true for Class 1204.
After Xiong Ba babbled almost non-nutritious words, he said: “This may be the last time I see you. Live till the end, fellow students.” ”
Now: class!!”
“Hello, assistant!”
The piece of white chalk , slowly flew up, and wrote the following bloody words on the black spots:
Exam scene: Death is Coming 5: Prequel!
Exam Mission: Survival & Rescue!
Examination period: 180 hours!
Mission requirements: 1. Survive for 180 hours. 2. And save those on the death list who must die.
Mission difficulty: climbing higher and higher!
Mission rewards: 1. A basic reward is established for this mission. Regardless of life or death, completing this mission will reward you with 1,000 learning points and 1 F-level evaluation point. 2 points comprehensive evaluation. 5 credits.
Penalty for failure: 1. Death in this exam will not reduce life span.
2. Anyone who dies in this exam will have 3 points of hidden attribute luck deducted, and you will be completely cut off from certain special abilities.
3. Those who die in this exam will be haunted by death, and their lifespan will be doubled if they die in the future.
/Final reward: everyone on the death list survives. An additional 3,000 learning points and 1 C-level evaluation point will be awarded. 10 points of comprehensive assessment, 15 points of credits. This reward is shared by all surviving students.
Hidden reward:? ? ?
Principal’s announcement: All freshmen please pay attention! This exam is a unified exam for freshmen!
Unified examination mode: one class and one exam.
2. For every mortal who dies, 10 points will be deducted.
3. For each student who dies, 5 points will be deducted.
Unified examination results: After the unified examination, the class rankings will be listed according to points. The top three will be awarded the title of “Excellent Class”.
The principal commented: The King of Hell wants you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch? Answer: I dare! !
After the bright white light dissipated, the three teaching assistants were left in the classroom.
“It t

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