dex finger, and said with a meaningful smile: “It doesn’t work, just try it and you will know.” “

dex finger, and said with a meaningful smile: “It doesn’t work, just try it and you will know.” “

dex finger, and said with a meaningful smile: “It doesn’t work, just try it and you will know.” ”
You” Ouyang Mu’s cheeks turned red immediately, and he obviously heard what Bai Lu said. She said, “Shameless!!”
What she responded to was Bai Lu’s bright white and neat teeth, “I use Lantian Liubi Treatment. Good teeth and better appetite.”
Wei Ming bumped into Bai Lu and said, “You two That’s it, business is important. You two are singing together, so why not act as a duo.”
Bai Lu raised his two middle fingers in front of Wei Ming’s eyes.
Tang Rouyu pulled Ouyang Mu, and then asked Yin Kuang, “When will you take action?”
“We will take action after Wang Ning and you enter the acupuncture hall.” Yin Kuang said, “Then the battle will be left to us. You just need to Just control the people in the acupuncture hall.”
/“Okay. Then, let’s part ways.”
“And” Yin Kuang glanced around and said, “I estimate that the difficulty of the task will increase from today on. . You must not only be careful of Death’s design, but also be careful of the local police. They have already targeted us. We must get rid of those plainclothes first. If we attract a large group of police, we will be in trouble.”
In fact, everyone As soon as they walked out of the hotel, they discovered that although there were people walking around, some walking dogs, some selling hot dogs, and some white-collar workers carrying bags, they looked like ordinary residents, but with the vigilance of Li Shuangmu and others, how could they not know this? Are they just plainclothes people who are being followed?
Tang Rouyu smiled disdainfully and said: “If I can’t even deal with them, then I can really commit suicide. Okay, without further ado, let’s just say goodbye.” It can be seen that this is a very interesting person. Confident woman.
After saying that, she left as if she was taking a few sisters with her.
As everyone waited anxiously, the time finally settled at about 9 o’clock.
Li Shuangmu glanced at Qian Qianqian behind her, frowned slightly, and said, “Aren’t you with them?”
“Ah?” Qian Qianqian blinked her eyes in panic, and then said: “I want to be with you.” She didn’t know why she was nervous, and she pinched the corner of her clothes tightly with one small hand.
Li Shuangmu said: “It’s more dangerous to follow us. You should stay with them. I’m afraid we won’t be able to take care of you as much later.”
Perhaps considering that Qian Qianqian is a girl after all, Li Shuangmu said it more tactfully. In fact, anyone who is not stupid can hear what Li Shuangmu means, “Qian Qianqian is a burden.”
“I” Qian Qianqian lowered her head, her beautiful face was full of grievances, and I felt pity for everyone watching.
Li Shuangmu’s brows wrinkled tighter and tighter.
Yin Kuang, Bai Lu and the others couldn’t help but become a little impatient. Every second counts now. How could they waste so much time on Qian Qianqian.
But at this moment, Qian Qianqian nodded lightly and said cowardly: “Then you should be careful.” The word “we

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