near the stone circle where the landmen are imprisoned. It should be more private. I will live there for a few days.” “

near the stone circle where the landmen are imprisoned. It should be more private. I will live there for a few days.” “

near the stone circle where the landmen are imprisoned. It should be more private. I will live there for a few days.” “
/The conqueror obeys his command. “Although he didn’t know that Zhang Lisheng lived next to the mainland people’s prison and planned to learn their writing and language using the ‘Eternal Understanding Technique’, Tugla still said without hesitation.
Soon, under the personal supervision of Wu Litou, a unique building was built The tree house was quietly built in the jungle next to the stone circle where the mainlanders were imprisoned. In the
Living in this bark house, Zhang Lisheng could clearly hear the imprisoned mainlanders even if he did not have amazing hearing. A croaking cry.
days to come, the young man stayed in the new tree house to spend time practicing secret techniques and waiting for the ‘All Things’ stone eggs to hatch. Time, patiently waiting for the day when the land people speak and write all night long.
One morning eighty-nine days later, the refreshing air with the smell of vegetation unique to the primitive jungle floated on the nose of Zhang Lisheng, who was sitting cross-legged on a mat woven from tree fibers, devouring roasted animal legs and fat meat worms.
Not far in front of him was a huge log tree stump with a concave surface. In the groove on the surface of the stump was a large round ball woven with animal tendons, spider silk, and tree branches. Eight native servants were painting simple patterns with The clay pot poured the steaming blood that had just been taken out of the beast’s body onto the big ball.
When the fresh animal blood seeps through the thousands of tiny holes on the surface of the big ball, a stone insect egg contained in the mottled ball slowly absorbs all the dripping blood. Absorb it and turn it into kinetic energy, beating slowly like a heart.
“Tugra, this insect egg is very precious. I combined various methods of raising ancient strange insects to collect it and hatch it. Now it seems that I am on the right track.
If it still cannot hatch in a short time, I will not be on the island in the future. At that time, you ordered the handymen to bathe the eggs with blood every day in this way, do you understand?” Looking at the eggs in the ball that were constantly shrinking and swelling through the mesh, Zhang Lisheng swallowed With a mouth full of fat and cooked meat, he ordered the Wu Litou kneeling next to him in a low voice with a satisfied expression on his face.
“Yes, great conqueror.” Tugla kowtowed and replied in a low voice.
“One more thing, isn’t Aruba, the leader of the craftsmen, already building iron ships one after another? Although the iron ships are not the final product, the boatmen must learn to drive them as soon as possible. Well, we have ordered
the first fifty skilled pilots to On iron ships, sailors who learned how to use theodolite were given the status of “leader of one or two feathers” and were called captains. From now on, whether they are warriors or craftsmen, whether they are tribal leaders or ordinary

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