ot me who has a baby. My menstrual period has just passed this month, well, that’s about it.”

ot me who has a baby. My menstrual period has just passed this month, well, that’s about it.”

ot me who has a baby. My menstrual period has just passed this month, well, that’s about it.”
Han Xuan usually has a very smart look, but now it just makes people feel dull, and his eyebrows are slightly Lifting up, I suddenly felt a sense of relief.
/He was indeed not ready yet. The world was so big and he hadn’t finished watching it yet. He was still a child, so it was strange to have a small oil bottle. He pinched Anya’s face in anger and shouted in confusion: “Really?” “Really?
” Yes!” Anya answered him affirmatively.
“Yeah, I was really scared to death. I thought I was going to be a father!” After Han Xuan finished speaking, he immediately reacted and added: “It’s not that I don’t want children, but it’s best to wait a little longer. When we become adults, we will still be young, aren’t we?”
Anya didn’t think too much, covered her mouth and laughed. She thought Han Xuan’s appearance just now was very interesting. The two of them had also discussed this issue, and both felt that it was not right now. suitable.
The big oolong was resolved, and a new question came immediately. Since Anya is not pregnant, who is the one who has the baby?
/It’s impossible for Isabelle. I’ve never heard of any man she’s interested in or in love with. It’s even less possible for Joanna and Dini. Both of them are women. Even if they really get together in the future, they won’t be able to do it. Children can only be obtained through adoption or artificial insemination.
The adoption mechanism in the United States has been developed for hundreds of years and has already formed a complete industry. Especially after World War II, Americans adopted a large number of war orphans. Since then, this kind of adoption has become a tradition.
Today, there are children of all colors and places of birth living in American families. Elders do not have the concept of “raising children to protect themselves in old age”. The social pension system is very sound, and if you adopt a child, you are only responsible for him or her. By adulthood, the pressure is relatively low.
Same-sex couples adopt children from time to time, but Han Xuan does not think that Joanna and Dani, who have not yet settled their relationship, will consider this issue now. Montana has a relatively conservative concept, and their relationship has never been clear. Not sure.
After ruling out other possibilities, and then thinking about Isabelle and Anya hiding things secretly from him, Han Xuan finally considered that what he was unwilling to accept was, more accurately, something for which he was completely unprepared. His eyes widened. Asked Anya: “Am I going to have a younger brother or younger sister?”
Seeing that Anya didn’t shake her head, but just looked at him, Han Xuan was already sure that this was probably the case
when he was very young. Father Han was only in his twenties at that time. , looks young and handsome, and has not experienced a mid-life crisis. He once asked Han Xuan, who was still very young, if he hoped to have a younger brother or

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