a tea shop stall, looking at the palace in the distance.

a tea shop stall, looking at the palace in the distance.

a tea shop stall, looking at the palace in the distance.
Yin Kuang took a sip of tea and said calmly: “How can you know if you don’t try?” Yin Kuang looked at the time and said: “Did you see those carriages at the entrance of the palace? If my guess is right, this time must still be on. Early morning. Psychologically speaking, this time is the least likely time for someone to sneak into the palace. In addition, you also said that the palace defenders have been replaced by Dong Zhuo’s troops, so the safety of Dong Zhuo is definitely what they care about most. So, I I want you to use the ‘Sakura Shinsei Technique’ again to assassinate Dong Zhuo and attract the attention of the defenders. As for Wang Yue you mentioned, I have heard a little bit. You also said that he was protecting Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, which is our goal. It’s pretty consistent. And I heard that Wang Yue is very addicted to officialdom. I can use this to persuade him to help us in turn. What do you think?” ”
/What about Lu Bu?” The second-generation Queen Ying felt threatened. The success rate of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was really not very high.
/Yin Kuang said: “There is no red rabbit horse in front of the palace gate. It means that Lu Bu did not go to court with Dong Zhuo today. I don’t think Lu Bu has the qualifications to enter the palace on horseback. Also, don’t forget, assassinating Dong Zhuo is a great achievement. Regardless of success or failure.” Even if we fail to kidnap Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, our assassination of Dong cannot escape.” The
second-generation Queen Ying was moved again.
Yin Kuang said: “How about it? Do you dare? Do you want to do it?”
The second-generation Queen Sakura snorted coldly and said: “Why don’t you dare? Why don’t you do it?” Yin Kuang said: “In that case, just settle the bill and leave. .”
Yin Kuang and the second-generation Queen Ying immediately came to the northeast corner of the palace. This is the most remote place outside the palace and the weakest defense. Then Yin Kuang used the “Eye of True Sight” to release his mental power, causing the guards to hallucinate, which was also considered invisible in disguise. In this way, the two people swaggered across the moat and arrived at the foot of the imperial city.
Speaking of which, the guards outside the palace are not as tight as the guards on the four walls of Luoyang City. I don’t know if Yin Kuang and others were unlucky, but there happened to be a powerful military commander on duty last night, so they were allowed to sleep outside the city all night. Climb right up the wall and then climb down the other side. Yin Kuang did not wake up the guards in the imperial city to create illusions, because these guards were mobile and there were many of them, so the effect of illusions was not great.
Alas, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to climb over the wall.
While Yin Kuang and the second-generation Queen Ying were busy climbing over the wall, in a large house in the north of Luoyang City,

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