ve it!” Suddenly, a loud laugh came from somewhere, “The principal has warned you long ago that the library is a sacred place, and he dares to use force. He is looking for death. Uh, that person’s name is Zhao Si? You are really looking for death! Haha.” Who else could have such a venomous tongue except Bai Lu, who can’t take any time off?

ve it!” Suddenly, a loud laugh came from somewhere, “The principal has warned you long ago that the library is a sacred place, and he dares to use force. He is looking for death. Uh, that person’s name is Zhao Si? You are really looking for death! Haha.” Who else could have such a venomous tongue except Bai Lu, who can’t take any time off?

ve it!” Suddenly, a loud laugh came from somewhere, “The principal has warned you long ago that the library is a sacred place, and he dares to use force. He is looking for death. Uh, that person’s name is Zhao Si? You are really looking for death! Haha.” Who else could have such a venomous tongue except Bai Lu, who can’t take any time off?
In an instant, the eyes of all the students in Class 1236 and Class 1207 fell on Bai Lu. If eyes are lethal,
“Warning: Yu Wenzhi, a student of Class 1236, please dissipate the ‘Sharingan’ eye power immediately, otherwise it will be judged as malicious injury, and you will be severely punished. At the same time, Class 1236 will lose the ability to stay in Qualifications in the library.”
It seems that some eyes are really lethal.
Perhaps as a deterrent, this warning was given to all students.
It seems that in the library, the principal is an iron-blooded butcher. He will not allow you to show any disobedience or violation, otherwise, he will chop off the butcher knife in your hand without mercy.
“Quack!” Bai Lu laughed, “Come on, come on, boys from Class 36, I’m standing here, come and bite me. Why are you staring with such big eyes? Oh, I forgot, eyes You can also kill people.”
Yin Kuang walked beside Bai Lu, pulled Bai Lu, and said: “Bai Lu, forget it, hurry up and find the materials.”
“Yin Kuang, don’t stop me this time. I’m sorry Just look at the guys in class 1236 who are unhappy, especially the fungus with triangular eyebrows. Just looking at me, I want to step on him hard. That’s right, I’m talking about you. Why, you’re unhappy, you’re unhappy, come and bite me if you’re unhappy. Ah.” As he said this, Bai Lu straightened up in a very obscene manner.
Zhu Tong in the distance just clenched his fists and gritted his silver teeth. Perhaps because of his anger, his body was shaking a little. There was also Jiejie on the other side who grabbed her arm and said, “Sister, don’t pay attention to these bastards. The joint entrance examination is coming soon. Then, let’s settle the accounts carefully for today!” After hearing this,
/Zhu Tong took a deep breath. , glared at Bai Lu and Yin Kuang fiercely, turned around, saw a roll of bamboo slips, took them out, pushed the cart and left.
“It’s really boring.” Bai Lu shrugged and said, “I didn’t expect this woman to be quite tolerant. It’s so miserable. The more tolerant a woman is, the scarier she is. We have to be careful in the future.” Bai Lu laughed. He patted his heart and said: “I’m really angry today. Hehe.”
Yin Kuang rolled his eyes and said: “Can’t you stop being so boring? Huh? What are you holding? “Colored” “How the Wolf Was Made”, you actually take this, wait, the author is your brother Bai?” Yin Kuang looked at Bai Lu with wide eyes.
Bai Lu smiled, patted the ten centimeter-thick book on the cart, and said, “That’s right, it was written by my brother. Didn’t you know? Students can earn rewards by writing books. And the rewards are very, very generous. Take this book for example. The principal ap

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