u for your compliment, General Joeis. This compliment alone is worthy of me serving the United States again. I am also very honored to meet you.” Zhang Lisheng Joes replied humorously, and suddenly looked at Someriel aside with an apologetic expression, “But although I really want you to chat with me for a few more words. But Your Excellency General, at this moment, first of all, I want to express my gratitude to Someriel. Sergeant Major, I’m sorry.

u for your compliment, General Joeis. This compliment alone is worthy of me serving the United States again. I am also very honored to meet you.” Zhang Lisheng Joes replied humorously, and suddenly looked at Someriel aside with an apologetic expression, “But although I really want you to chat with me for a few more words. But Your Excellency General, at this moment, first of all, I want to express my gratitude to Someriel. Sergeant Major, I’m sorry.

u for your compliment, General Joeis. This compliment alone is worthy of me serving the United States again. I am also very honored to meet you.” Zhang Lisheng Joes replied humorously, and suddenly looked at Someriel aside with an apologetic expression, “But although I really want you to chat with me for a few more words. But Your Excellency General, at this moment, first of all, I want to express my gratitude to Someriel. Sergeant Major, I’m sorry.
I’m very sorry, madam, I lost the ‘recorder’ you lent me.”
“What, that is an ancient heirloom of Dame Someriel, you know one thing” What does the ancient relic mean to the people of Atlantis?” After hearing this, Someriel’s delicate face was stunned, showing an expression of regret. Standing next to her, she was once forced to pay compensation to the young man. Gut Ali, who was apologizing, couldn’t help shouting angrily.
But he was only halfway through his words before he was interrupted by Someriel who came back to her senses. “Gut Ali, Mr. Li Sheng did not intentionally throw away my family heirloom ‘recorder’. Stop talking about it. I choose to forgive him.” ”
Thank you for your understanding, beautiful lady, but it is difficult for me to forgive myself for my mistakes. ,” Zhang Lisheng felt ashamed and took out a beautifully carved wooden box from his pocket. After opening it, he revealed a beautiful diamond. “I know that there are natural diamond mines in the universe that form planets.
/For those who can be free in the sea of ??stars, For a sailing civilization, this small stone is not so precious, but the knife skills of the top cutting masters on earth are unique. Since you like light and stones, you will definitely like ‘it’.” Zhang Lisheng’s hand flashed with dazzling
“Mr. Li Sheng, what I want to tell you is that in fact, the so-called planet formed by natural diamond mines only exists in theory. In ‘Atlantis’, a natural diamond like this is also very precious. I am not because of you. The gift was not sincere enough to accept it.” Someriel opened her mouth and said with a very strange expression: “But, but…
diamonds represent in our civilization a contract that will last forever, so All I can say is I’m sorry.”
put the wooden box He put his hands in front of Someriel, “In accordance with the customs of ‘Atlantis’, I offer a gift to express my apology. Please accept it, Ms. Someriel.”
The beautiful stone with dazzling light in Zhang Lisheng’s hand attracted everyone’s attention, but the people on Earth were stunned by the generosity of the owner of the LS Group, while the people in Atlantis were surprised for another reason.
“A contract to stay together forever…” Zhang Lisheng opened his mouth, suddenly realizing the meaning of the Atlantis woman’s words, and shrugged awkwardly, “Oh, it also has the same meaning on earth, but it is to be embedded in the On a ring, ah, well, it’s me who should be sorry…”
He put away the diamond randomly, rummaged around for a while, finally sighed, spread his hands with a wry smile and said, “There is

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