slender jade hand shook again, and a strange-shaped flying knife was shot out, straight towards Yin Kuang’s facade. Yin Kuang sighed secretly and could only put away his sword to block. In other words, Yin Kuang should have been able to defeat Tang Rouyu if he was up close, but the problem was that Tang Rouyu had an endless stream of hidden weapons, and they were all aimed at Yin Kuang’s vital points, which made Yin Kuang a little constrained. Unless Yin Kuang faces the risk of being killed and fights with Tang Rouyu. However, in this battle, it is obviously meaningless to die together.

slender jade hand shook again, and a strange-shaped flying knife was shot out, straight towards Yin Kuang’s facade. Yin Kuang sighed secretly and could only put away his sword to block. In other words, Yin Kuang should have been able to defeat Tang Rouyu if he was up close, but the problem was that Tang Rouyu had an endless stream of hidden weapons, and they were all aimed at Yin Kuang’s vital points, which made Yin Kuang a little constrained. Unless Yin Kuang faces the risk of being killed and fights with Tang Rouyu. However, in this battle, it is obviously meaningless to die together.

slender jade hand shook again, and a strange-shaped flying knife was shot out, straight towards Yin Kuang’s facade. Yin Kuang sighed secretly and could only put away his sword to block. In other words, Yin Kuang should have been able to defeat Tang Rouyu if he was up close, but the problem was that Tang Rouyu had an endless stream of hidden weapons, and they were all aimed at Yin Kuang’s vital points, which made Yin Kuang a little constrained. Unless Yin Kuang faces the risk of being killed and fights with Tang Rouyu. However, in this battle, it is obviously meaningless to die together.
Besides, after Yin Kuang blocked the strange-shaped knife, he was about to punch Tang Rouyu, but unexpectedly, Tang Rouyu’s hand that shot the flying knife suddenly shook, and then Yin Kuang heard the sound of the thin thread tightening. .
/“No! You were careless!” A cold feeling on his neck suddenly invaded Yin Kuang’s whole body.
Unexpectedly, her strange-shaped knife was actually connected with golden silk! In other words, Yin Kuang wasn’t that careless originally, but however, Yin Kuang was really impatient. The chase turned out to be very exhausting. I originally thought that as long as I got close, I would be victorious, but the fact was that the two parties were in a stalemate. This made Yin Kuang, who was originally calm as water, anxious, and that’s why he made such a big mistake!
“There’s no other way! Let’s fight!”
Gritting his teeth, Yin Kuang kicked off his feet and put his body on Tang Rouyu. Although it felt good to hug her delicate body, the Tang knife in his hand penetrated Tang Rouyu’s abdomen from below.
At the same time, Yin Kuangkong When he turned his hand, the Qinglong Yanyue Sword stood beside him. When the golden silk thread was about to wrap around his neck, it had already hit the handle of the Qinglong Dao and was successfully intercepted.
With a “ding” sound, the strange-shaped knife and the Qinglong knife made a crisp sound.
“Yin Kuang” Tang Rouyu put her chin on Yin Kuang’s shoulder and suddenly said softly: “You have to be careful next time. My hidden weapons are not always poisonous.”
Yin Kuang’s eyes suddenly widened!
/Yin Kuang looked at Tang Rouyu with a complicated expression. But Tang Rouyu smiled sweetly and said: “Yin Kuang, the next step is up to you.” Then she said to Qian Qianqian: “Qianqian, since we have nothing to do, let’s go visit Senior Sister Huo. After all, I will be working under her from now on.” Qian Qianqian looked at Tang Rouyu, then at Yin Kuang, and then said softly “hmm”. Breathing an inexplicable sigh of relief, she took another peek at Li Shuangmu, and then followed Tang Rouyu out of the classroom. But Ouyang Mu looked at Tang Rouyu’s back and frowned slightly. As if he didn’t want to think about it, he raised his brows and said: “Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun, let’s go too. Today, the senior sister failed the assessment. There will be another chance tomorrow. Go back and prepare well.” Qi Xiaoyun Both Qiu Yun and Qiu Yun nodded. Then Bai Xue saw that the other girls had

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