rses are running. A batch of half-sized horses were just purchased at the beginning of the year, and they have grown up now.

rses are running. A batch of half-sized horses were just purchased at the beginning of the year, and they have grown up now.

Passing through the nameless town where the employees live, you arrive at rows of sprawling cowsheds.
If you are in other warm climate areas, such as New Zealand and Australia, or the southern United States, you can completely graze in the open air. During the fattening period, you only need a circle of railings to prevent the cattle from running around.
But Montana winter weather can occasionally go crazy.
Sometimes a cold wave hits, and the temperature can drop to even colder than the Arctic, so it is necessary to spend a lot of money on building sealed and cold-proof cowsheds.
Warm temperatures make cattle and sheep comfortable, so heating is turned on once the temperature reaches sub-zero temperatures.
Today, some cattle and sheep were driven out and stood in the open space outside, mooing, a little at a loss.
Beef accounts for about a quarter of the world’s meat consumption. The average American eats about 40 kilograms of beef a year, and the market demand is huge.
Among the 118,000 cattle raised at Snow Mountain Ranch this year, there are a total of more than 23,000 Holstein cows, and there are more than 10,000 Simmental cows that are used for both milk and meat.
This breed will be abandoned next year, because the milk production of Simmental cattle is only about two-fifths of that of dedicated dairy cows, and the meat quality is not as good as Angus and Limousin cattle. In the future, all cows will be raised to Holstein cows.
The beef and mutton that their own ranches can supply only occupy a very small part of the market. Some large companies slaughter more than 100,000 cattle every day.
As Christmas approaches, the peak consumption period for meat products is approaching.
In more than ten days until Christmas, it will be the hottest time of year for snow mountain ranch beef sales. Ordinary people are usually reluctant to eat such expensive beef, but during the holidays, they can be indulgent.
This batch of beef will be sold out around New Year’s Day, which means that the only time to buy Snow Mountain Ranch beef on the market is December and January.
It is difficult to buy it in the other ten months, unless you go to some high-end restaurants, such as MEET, where it is available all year round.
/As the prices of cattle and sheep in Xueshan Ranch are getting higher and higher, most of the small retail investors who once cooperated have been kicked out.
There were only three big companies hauling cattle and sheep today.
They are Tyson Foods, which accounts for about 25% of the U.S. beef consumption market, and is the company of Fatty Orlando.
In addition, there are Brazil’s JBS Foods, the world’s largest beef products company, and SOS Foods, a subsidiary of Laoyezi.
These three companies bought 95% of the cattle and sheep in the Snow Mountain Ranch.
The old British man Albert and other small businessmen who had a good relationship with Han Qianshan

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