ake the target relax their guard.”

ake the target relax their guard.”

Also, the last time Mr. Azik lost his memory was near Backlund University. It’s a pity that you can’t investigate the red chimney house on my behalf. Klein nodded solemnly and said:
“I will pay close attention to this matter. Once the target takes action or is exposed, I will notify you immediately.”
“Well, Mr. Azik, how should I inform you in time?”
In Klein’s mind, if Azik is a descendant of the God of Death, or has some connection with the God of Death, then his power type should be close to the “Corpse Collector” sequence. There must be a way to create something similar to the “Dally Messenger” ” things.
In other words, this can prove from the side whether Azik is related to the God of Death and whether he is his descendant.
Azik took a puff of his cigar, thought for more than ten seconds, and took off a piece of jewelry from his left cuff.
This is an exquisite, ancient copper whistle with many peculiar patterns on it that make it full of mysterious charm.
/“This is an item I carried with me when I woke up in Backlund. As long as you blow it, you can summon a messenger that belongs to me.” Azik held the copper whistle and explained in detail .
After so many years, can this copper whistle still be used as a magical item? Klein was both surprised by this and delighted that he had indirectly proved that Mr. Azik had a certain connection with the God of Death.
After glancing at Klein, Azik put the copper whistle to his mouth and started to demonstrate.
He suddenly puffed up his cheeks and blew hard.
There was no sound in the room, but Klein instantly felt the coldness and coldness.
He quickly tapped his left teeth and saw hazy white bones being thrown out one after another on the floor next to him, forming a strange fountain.
A few seconds later, an illusory monster appeared in the living room.
Its entire body was made of white bones, with dark flames flashing in its eye sockets. It was nearly four meters tall and was looking down at Klein, who was less than 1.75 meters tall.
Seeing that the other party was almost pushing through the ceiling, a thought flashed across Klein’s mind:
“Mr. Azik, is your messenger exaggerating?”
Azik didn’t notice his thoughts at all and said with a smile:
“After giving it the letter, blow the copper whistle again to end the summons, and it will soon deliver the letter to me in a secretive way.”
After finishing speaking, Azik flicked his wrist and threw the ancient copper whistle to the opposite side.
Klein reached out with his right hand and grasped it accurately. He felt the touch was cold but soft.
Thanks to the “Joker” potion, he breathed a silent sigh of relief, wiped the whistle clean, and blew hard.
/Silently, the huge messenger disintegrated into hazy white bones and burrowed into the floor.
The Tasoke River runs through Backlund, leaving numerous docks here.
Alger Wilson, wearing the pastoral robe of the Church of Storms, slowly walked off the passenger ship.
He saw people coming and going on the pier, countless porter

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