geographical location and area, no matter how it is renovated, it always looks like a small family.

geographical location and area, no matter how it is renovated, it always looks like a small family.

It doesn’t matter if you live alone, but if you want to receive guests, it’s a little hard to do.
As an actual earl, Hudson was also a well-known nobleman in the Alpha Kingdom.
A house that meets his status level is also a scarce resource in the royal capital and cannot be bought with just money.
Hudson simply stayed in the inn and occupied the reception area for the nobles by himself, frightening all the inn staff to their core.
The great nobles like to stay in their own territory, and few of them live in inns when they arrive in the royal capital. During normal times, these VIP areas are basically unoccupied, and they only occasionally receive foreign guests.
People are full of inertia. If the frequency of use is low, it is inevitable that they will be a little slack in maintenance.
As it turned out, these worries were completely unfounded. Hudson has never been a picky person.
After a long day’s work, I was dragged to a banquet as soon as I arrived in the royal capital. When I got back to the inn, I fell on the bed and fell asleep. I had no time to pay attention to the details.
At the Emerald Palace, Caesar III dragged his tired body to welcome the arrival of King George.
Both countries attached great importance to this marriage and showed their utmost sincerity.
Crown Prince Caesar went to welcome the bride with the highest standards. As a good brother, King George even chose to send his sister over in person.
Obviously, such a big scene was not just for marriage, but more to further deepen the alliance between the two countries.
Among the human nations in the northern continent, the Alpha Kingdom, the Warhammer Kingdom, and the Principality of Moxi are the three strongest. Even after the orc invasion, this pattern has not changed.
/Now the Warhammer Kingdom has entered into a mode of endless internal strife, and the right to speak on many matters in the Northern Continent has fallen into the hands of the Kingdom of Alpha and the Principality of Moxi.
/This should have been a good thing for both countries, but now everyone is out of sorts.
After a brief chat, Caesar III, as the host, took the lead in opening the topic.
“George, the Orc Empire has declined, but the situation in the Northern Continent is still not optimistic.
In the past, we only had to worry about the threat of the orcs, but now we not only have to consider the alien races, but also face the overt and covert attacks within the human race.
Let’s not talk about the distant Frankish Kingdom, the Iliban Kingdom, the Holy See and other major powers for the time being.
The Kingdom of Dante, the Kingdom of Hesse, and the Kingdom of Nan’an in the central part of the Light Continent are causing quite a bit of trouble.
Seeing that our family’s vitality was severely damaged, they could no longer hold back and extended their tentacles to the northern continent.
Although it is just a trial at the moment, once the ambition is revealed, it w

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