vants working in the government.” Zeng Siqi raised her head, rolled her eyes at Zeng Zhiyuan, and retorted.

vants working in the government.” Zeng Siqi raised her head, rolled her eyes at Zeng Zhiyuan, and retorted.

vants working in the government.” Zeng Siqi raised her head, rolled her eyes at Zeng Zhiyuan, and retorted.
Therefore, when Zeng Siqi said that the score of more than 700 came out, Zeng Zhiyuan felt that it was completely fantasy and unbelievable! More than seven hundred? Doesn’t that mean the average score is over 140? What a joke! There are very few top scorers in Shudu’s college entrance examinations who have topped 700!
How can this be? It’s a complete fantasy!
The two of them were waiting for the barbecue master to grill the skewers at the barbecue stall where Wang Bo was. Zeng Siqi didn’t want to have any argument with her father, and didn’t look at Zeng Zhiyuan. She just said bitterly: “There is the name of the head teacher, Mr. Xiao, in the phone book at the head of the house.” Phone call, if you don’t believe it, wait until Ha’er calls back and call and ask Ha’er, Teacher Xiao! Do you think I lied to you, Teacher Xiao will never lie to you!”
Zeng Zhiyuan’s daughter brought up the teacher in her class. , the expression on her daughter’s face was also very calm, not like she was joking at all. She was stunned again, thinking, is this kid’s grades really so good? Pushing to the sky?
“Is your classmate really that good? He passed more than 700 in the last joint entrance examination?” Zeng Zhiyuan’s expression became serious, and he lost his disapproval.
Zeng Siqi knew Wang Bo’s joint entrance examination results very well. She picked them up casually and said them in a decent way. It was not like making up things on the spur of the moment. After Zeng Zhiyuan heard this, although he was still full of doubts and felt incredible, slowly, he also I believed most of it.
At this moment, he suddenly remembered his daughter’s introduction to the people who were drinking with her classmate just now. It seemed that they were not some trivial people as he imagined, but policemen and government servants who were more enviable than him, a people’s teacher. work. And these people, looking at their clothes, posture, and behavior, are not comparable to ordinary people. They give people the feeling of a “rich family” at a glance.
It seems that I really made a mistake in blaming my classmate Qiqi! More than seven hundred? This is the rhythm of the No. 1 exam! If Qiqi could get closer to the other party, let the other party provide more guidance, and impart more learning experience, then wouldn’t her daughter have a great hope of turning from two books to one?
I have to say that today’s parents mainly look at a student’s grades. I realized that this classmate of Zeng Siqi actually “hides in the city”, so awesome. After all, after having the potential to be the top scorer in the college entrance examination, Zeng Zhiyuan, as a teacher, looked at the boy talking and laughing freely at the wine table and frequently raising glasses, and he had a completely different interpretation:
/majestic and steady! It’s really extraordinary, he’s the material for the top prize!
“Why didn’t you say hello earlier?” Zen

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