ng coins!

ng coins!

ng coins!
Thanks to Sister Xia!
I would also like to thank Sister Xia for her long review in the book review area! Sister Xia’s long comments, like a glass of old wine, always make me have endless aftertaste, and they always scratch my itch!
confidant! Confidant wow!
I feel steel melting, point119, cheng787, book friend 160318141857408, infatuated man, forgotten eyes, love is returned with a sword, life and death are indifferent and you will die, love is returned with a sword, Axiao 200, Happy Big Potato 11 brothers and sisters Donate generously!
/Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted and voted!
Your support bit by bit is the infinite motivation for the blind man to persevere.
Today’s 4,500 words, two in one, please, please,
“It’s so dare (to go bankrupt), it’s really so bad!” Liang Jingquan stood frozen in front of “Jiang Jie Rice Noodles” “In front of the rolling shutter door, looking at the closed door and the notice of “facade transfer” written on a piece of paper posted on the door, I muttered to myself, looking lost.
/“If I had known earlier, I should have made arrangements earlier, got on the line with the other party earlier, and asked for the other party’s contact information! One mistake will lead to eternal hatred! One mistake will lead to eternal hatred!” Liang Jingquan stamped his feet, dejected, and regretted endlessly.
Liang Jingquan couldn’t wait to take out a ballpoint pen from his shirt pocket and wrote down the phone number on the palm of his hand. After thinking for a moment, he found a public phone nearby and dialed the number on the palm of his hand.
The call went through successfully. Liang Jingquan explained his intention on the phone and pretended to be a sincere tenant.
Half an hour later, a Jialing 70 drove over. The rider was Zhang Xiaojun, with a woman riding behind him. Just when Liang Jingquan raised his head, raised his chest, smiled, and prepared to greet the little woman in the most dignified manner, the woman who jumped out of the back seat of the motorcycle stunned Liang Jingquan and stood frozen on the spot.
“Ah, it turns out to be Teacher Liang! Who did I think it was! Teacher Liang, do you want to rent my store?” Zhang Xiaojun looked quite surprised when he saw that the caller was actually Liang Jingquan, who often came to eat rice noodles.
Liang Jingquan came back to his senses and asked in an unclear tone: “Xiao Zhang, who is this person next to you?”
Before Zhang Xiaojun could say anything, Yu Xiaoqiong on the side had already taken Zhang Xiaojun’s arm with her hand.
“Hello, Teacher Liang, my surname is Yu, my name is Yu Xiaoqiong, and I am Xiaojun’s girlfriend.” Yu Xiaoqiong smiled and greeted Liang Jingquan gracefully.
After Yu Xiaoqiong introduced herself, Zhang Xiaojun awkwardly took his hand out of Yu Xiaoqiong’s arm and said sarcastically: “Teacher Liang, I’m divorced. This is my new girlfriend. We are in college The market sells flat duck. Teacher Liang, if you want to eat duck in the future, just come to our store and buy it. I

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