h clenching her teeth.

h clenching her teeth.

h clenching her teeth.
It turns out that the “Eternal Corridor” is actually filled with criss-crossing golden threads that are invisible to the naked eye!
Although the White Witch didn’t know what those golden threads were, she knew intuitively that those threads were very dangerous. Sure enough, with a tentative touch, her finger cracked a small hole, and bright red blood came out.
/Seeing this, a trace of panic flashed across the white witch’s pale face, but the next moment, it was a shameful and angry expression. Her chest also began to rise and fall violently, “No matter who you are! I will turn you into ice! Damn it!”
In the “Eternal Corridor”, the roar of the White Witch echoed.
In the end, even if the White Witch used all the guards of Snow White Castle, she could not catch the “Son of Adam” who dared to assassinate her and escaped safely from her hands. The angry White Witch turned all the castle guards into ice sculptures on the spot, and then smashed them one by one with her own hands, which relieved her anger.
Then, she angrily walked outside a room, kicked in the door, lifted up Lu Xialeng who was sitting on the bed reading a thick book, and said, “Tell me, are you the one who took that Adam You put your son into my castle, and then you helped him leave my castle, right?”
Lu Xia Leng was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly: “I don’t know what you are talking about. Please let go.”
Bai The witch couldn’t get the answer she wanted, and became even more angry. She threw Lu Xia Leng to the ground, and put the cold wand on her snow-like jade cheek, “You don’t want to tell me? I will throw you This beautiful face is ruined!”
“I don’t want it.” Lu Xia Leng was not afraid at all, and even stood up on his own and said: “I don’t know what you are talking about. If you have nothing else, please go out. This is my room.”
The white witch’s hand holding the ice wand had bulging veins, which showed how angry she was inside.
/“Very good!” Smiling angrily, the White Witch suddenly withdrew her ice wand, “As long as we gather one more ‘Son of Adam'” the White Witch pinched Lu Xialeng’s chin with her hand, “When the time comes, you will let me At your mercy! Hahaha!”
Laughing wildly, the white witch turned around and walked out of the room.
Lu Xialeng, on the other hand, murmured softly, “Someone was able to sneak into the castle and assassinate the White Witch, and Qi left the castle alive. Could it be him?” ”
What, Ouyang Mu is missing?” Bai Lu jumped up, “How did it happen? , didn’t you go after the defeated army together? Why did she disappear for no reason?”
Qi Xiaoyun pouted and said, “How did I know about her? When we were taking action, I told her not to chase too far, but she didn’t listen. She also said that with her strength, the remaining soldiers could be defeated. Then she disappeared after chasing her.”
Listening to Qi Xiaoyun’s nonchalant tone, Bai Lu became more and more angry, “Aren’t you in a group? She acted randomly. , you don’t know how to hold her?”

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