y!” Bi Xinxue quickly danced and became excited. She took out her mobile phone again and dialed her husband’s number.

y!” Bi Xinxue quickly danced and became excited. She took out her mobile phone again and dialed her husband’s number.

y!” Bi Xinxue quickly danced and became excited. She took out her mobile phone again and dialed her husband’s number.
Thanks to “book friend 150725173236725” for the reward of 500 starting coins!
I would also like to thank book friend 20170604193209429, Might and Magic wog, 0o the pig that climbed into the tree, book friend 20170607190756661, and four brothers and sisters for their generous rewards!
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After her mother’s 5,000 yuan arrived, Zheng Yan spent 1,800 yuan to enroll in a driving school, and she also used public funds to make up for the nearly 2,000 yuan she spent on clothes and shoes. Wang Bo told her that the clothes and shoes he bought for her that day were all accounted for by the public account, and they were regarded as work clothes provided by the company. She was asked to get an invoice for reimbursement, but Zheng Yan did not go to reimburse her, and she tore up the invoice provided by the mall. . She can accept the boss’s invitation to eat, but the clothes, and the clothes she feels are very high-end, if she can accept it with a clear conscience, then the nature of it will be different. She has her own principles of life.
During this period of time, except for a small amount of business and “private matters” such as taking the driver’s license test, Zheng Yan spent the rest of her time studying. For this reason, she went to the bookstore and bought a lot of secretarial books, eagerly She started reading and worked hard to enrich herself, so much so that Zhang Yu and Li Jingmeng in the dormitory were laughing at her, saying that she was still working so hard after graduating, she was really born to be a hard worker!
/When he was about to get off work that evening, Zheng Yan received a text message on her mobile phone from her boyfriend Ren Wei. The text message said:
“Yanzi, I’m sorry, let’s make up. This period of time has been extremely painful for me. I miss you so much. When will you get off work? Can I come to C to pick you up from work?”
Zheng Yan was stunned, and in an instant, her eyes were filled with tears. She hurriedly took out a piece of soft paper from the soft paper box on the table and wiped the moist corners of her eyes. While wiping, she edited the text message with one hand tremblingly:
“Five-thirty. Don’t come over here. I’ll come directly to the important matter.” Yeah. I miss you too.” Zheng Yan pressed her hand on the send button and was about to send a text message. However, thinking of the injustice she had suffered during this period, she went to bed at night and thought about the tears she shed in the past between the two, and what she shed during the day. Facing her classmates and boss, she forced herself to smile, so she pressed the backspace key again and deleted the sentence “I miss you too.”
“Hmph, I’ll make you nervous and suffer for a while.” Zheng Yan, with red eyes, whispered with joy.
Ren Wei finally told several of his roommates that his girlfriend Zhe

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