y’s life is getting better and better, the standard of living is getting higher year by year. The New Year Pig, which was rare in the early years, is no longer rare at all. The delicacies received by the family throughout the year are more than even the birds and animals can eat. How can I still have the appetite to eat ordinary bacon?

y’s life is getting better and better, the standard of living is getting higher year by year. The New Year Pig, which was rare in the early years, is no longer rare at all. The delicacies received by the family throughout the year are more than even the birds and animals can eat. How can I still have the appetite to eat ordinary bacon?

y’s life is getting better and better, the standard of living is getting higher year by year. The New Year Pig, which was rare in the early years, is no longer rare at all. The delicacies received by the family throughout the year are more than even the birds and animals can eat. How can I still have the appetite to eat ordinary bacon?
“Bingbing, are you killing the New Year pig today?” Wang Bo asked looking at Chen Bing who was bringing her tea.
/“Yes, Brother Bo. When you and your sister came back, your father and grandpa had just gutted the pig. Brother Bo, this is a wild boar that our family fed without any pig feed, but the meat is delicious. You can take some to eat when you leave.” Chen Bing said, seeing that Wang Bo had a kind attitude and did not discriminate against their shabby, thatched house, Chen Bing gradually became bolder and spoke. It’s also smoother.
Chen Xiang also smiled and echoed: “Xiao Bo, you stay here for two more days, and when my mother and my grandmother smoke the meat with cypress and pine branches, you can take some back to your hometown to give to your uncles, aunts, and… Sister, give it a try.”
“Haha, okay. But I can’t play for two days. I have to go back tomorrow morning.” Wang Bo chuckled.
“How about I mail it to your hometown after it’s smoked?”
“It’s too troublesome to mail it. I’ll send a driver to pick it up then. The pigs nowadays are all feed pigs, and they are driven out by blowing up balloons with feed in a short time. , not fragrant at all. We don’t have the habit of smoking bacon in Sifang. I will try your smoked bacon when the time comes. But don’t take too much. A dozen or so kilograms is enough. If you have more, you can eat it. Not finished. If you can, give me a whole fan of ribs, I like to eat that one.” Wang Bo said, not polite, because he had long heard from Chen Xiang that her family had a New Year pig this year, and they would kill it during the Chinese New Year. To eat, I will give him half of it when the time comes. According to the old man’s words, it is to thank him, a kind-hearted big boss, for taking care of and cultivating him. There is not much good food in the poor and remote areas, so only some mountain products and mountain bacon are available.
In fact, since Chen Xiang met him, almost every year when school started after the Chinese New Year, she would bring a box of pheasants, hares, bacon, ribs and other wild products back to school to cook for him.
“Then I’ll give you all the ribs.” Chen Xiang smiled charmingly, showing two beautiful little rabbit teeth.
“No! Just take one. Give it all to me. What will Bingbing eat? Right, Bingbing?” Wang Bo looked at his sister-in-law Chen Bing and winked at her. Chen Bing stood behind her sister Chen Xiang, holding her sister’s shoulders, looking intimate. It was obvious that the two sisters had a very good relationship.
“I don’t like pork ribs, Brother Bo. You can take it and eat it. We have bacon at home.” Chen Bing blushed slightly and hesitated.
“Pfft” Chen Bing’s words made Chen Xia

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