facial mask. The facial mask produced by my son’s ranch can indeed make you look younger.”

facial mask. The facial mask produced by my son’s ranch can indeed make you look younger.”

facial mask. The facial mask produced by my son’s ranch can indeed make you look younger.”
He said this kind of scandal Normally I wouldn’t talk casually, but today I met relatives and the old man was very relaxed.
/When Han Xuan heard that his old man was still wearing a facial mask, he burst out laughing. When he received a slap on the back of his head, he put on a straight face and pretended to be nonchalant.
Wang Mengmeng belatedly realized that the Sheln facial mask that was usually hard to buy with money was produced by his family. She was very enthusiastic when chatting with Han Xuan, and tentatively asked him if he could sell a batch to herself. It was just a small matter. I agreed on the spot and
came over in a hurry without any advance notice. The dinner was just a common meal.
The so-called home-cooked food means that compared with the shark’s fin and bird’s nest we had last time, the dishes are actually very rich. The old man has not eaten authentic Chinese food for a long time, and he kept praising the craftsmanship.
It’s a pity that I have to go to the handover ceremony later, so I can’t drink.
When Old Man Wang heard the question about whether he wanted to go together, he was very moved, but thinking that it might cause trouble to his cousin’s family, he finally shook his head and refused to go.
Growing up in the United States, I didn’t have a deep understanding of the word “polite”. When I heard that I couldn’t go because I had something to do, I took it for granted that something really happened and didn’t ask any more.
Wang Mengmeng’s father was so suppressed that he was internally injured. If Mr. Han asked again, he would agree to it.
Wang Mengmeng couldn’t put down her love for Little Barry. This “big doll” allowed her to ravage her while eating fresh bamboo shoots.
Suddenly I felt a stomachache, so I ran to the pool, squatted down and raised my short tail, and then a large green round poop fell into the lake, attracting many koi fish to fight for food.
Xiao Bai found it interesting. Seeing that the carp were about to run away after eating, he raised his buttocks again and exerted force. After holding it in for a long time, he farted out, and the sound of “poof” was particularly loud.
Pooh also wanted to try it. He squatted down and stretched half of his butt above the pond. The carps were probably hungry. They saw a shadow above the pond water and gathered around them.
The bear was seen gritting its teeth and exerting force, and a huge pile of poop fell down instantly, making a huge splash.
A few koi carps didn’t wait for food, but they were completely suppressed by the poop. They twisted their tails desperately and died soon after. Even a small piece of the pond water was polluted.
When it saw this scene, it looked around guiltily, leaving the minibus here to be blamed, and sneaked away.
I happened to see Gabriel who had just seen the picture, and walked over to take a look.
/I found several colorful fish tails exposed outside a piece of poop, and I probably gue

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