ing. Convinced, he said:

ing. Convinced, he said:

ing. Convinced, he said:
/“I don’t know him at all. If he hadn’t taken the initiative to introduce me, I would have known his last name. We are not in the same class.” ”
Then you can’t have anything to do with this person! We are not in the same class. He also took the initiative to come up to you and strike up a conversation, and it seems like he has evil intentions at first glance.” Liang Jingquan continued to use Wang Bo’s bad medicine, and his idea was simple, that is, no matter whether the other party is sincerely enthusiastic or has ulterior motives, everything will be nipped in the bud!
Cheng Wenjin felt that what her husband said was a bit serious, and his evaluation of the “interesting” boy was not objective. However, he was on the same front when it came to preventing his daughter from falling in love prematurely and blocking “bad boys” from having ideas for his daughter. Cheng Wenjin touched Liang Ya’s silky short hair with his hand, and comforted Liang Ya, who was unhappy with the corners of her mouth raised: “Xiaoya, don’t be angry with your dad. Your dad also does it for your own good. You are now a sophomore in high school. Two years go by in a blink of an eye. If you are distracted, your homework will be affected. It will be difficult to get into college. Study hard now. After you get into college, your dad and I will no longer care about you. Heaven is high. Let the bird fly, you can do whatever you want.”
Liang Ya was a little dumbfounded, he had no interest in Wang Bo at all, but both her father and mother acted as if she had some dealings with him.
“I know, Mom! These words are almost ringing in my ears. Just wait, I’ll choose the food.” Liang Ya didn’t want to listen to her parents’ indoctrination, so she took the opportunity to get up and go to the freezer to get the food. .
The place where Wang Bo and his group were sitting was near the freezer. After getting over the initial nervousness and sitting on pins and needles, especially after drinking a few glasses of cold beer with several employees, most of the heat in his body was extinguished by those few glasses of cold beer, and he became lively and talkative again. .
However, while he was drinking and laughing with everyone, the corner of his eye never let go of that tall figure who had supreme magic power for him. He observed each other’s every move and smile from time to time. Therefore, as soon as Liang Ya got up and walked towards the freezer, she was immediately caught by Wang Bo’s sight.
/“Ahem! What else do you want to eat? I’ll get it from you.” Wang Bo coughed twice and asked the people at the table.
“There are so many dishes on the plate, and I haven’t even finished them yet. Let’s talk about it after we finish eating!” Zeng Fanyu wanted to save money for Tian Xin and Guan Ping.
“That’s right, there are still so many skewers in the pot that haven’t been finished yet.” My aunt Zhong Xiaomin also joined in.
As the host, Tian Xin listened to Zeng Fanyu and Zhong Xiaomin’s words, puffed up her chest, and said generous

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